
Monday, July 23, 2012

A Musing ~ Magazines? ~ 7/23/12

Each week Miz B at Should Be Reading asks a bookish question to muse over.

This week's musing :

"Do you read magazines? If so, which ones? If not, why not?"

Well, I have  love/hate relationship with magazines.  I will get a subscription and read the first few magazines a soon as I get them.  After that they seem to sit in a pile that I never get around to looking through.

Some of the ones I enjoy, though, are:  "Family Circle", "Crochet Today", "Good Housekeeping", and "Better Homes and Gardens".

I sometimes will order a fitness magazine thinking that it will help motivate me to diet and exercise.  These are the ones that tend to get turned face down in a pile.  Those cover models are just not realistic!  You'd think I'd learn to not waste my money.

Anyway, my plan is to not renew any of my subscriptions, but there is just something so fun about seeing those magazines in the mailbox.  Can I resist?

Musing along,


  1. so true. Seeing the magazines in the mailbox is addictive :)

  2. yes, I am familiar with the magazine pile..but still I continue to get them and actually read most of them at some point.

  3. I plan to let some of mine drop because I will be traveling a lot next year. Here is my post:

  4. I've whittled my magazine list down to two subscriptions. But I still make an impulse purchase now and then!


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