
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon ~ 6/20-24/12


Hosted by Rebecca @ Kindle Fire and April @ My Shelf Confessions.
"The Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon is a time when we all get together to dedicate the days of June 20-24 to as much reading as possible. You read as much as you can in order to get yourself a little further through that huge to-read pile! We know real life gets in the way and even if you can’t participate more than one day, you’re welcome to join in on the fun!"

I'm really excited to participate in my 2nd bloggy Read-a-Thon!  This one lasts 5 days so I've debated back and forth as to how many books to set as my goal.  After looking over my calendar I've decided to try for:

GOAL:  4 books

I've picked out 4 books to read during this read-a-thon but the list might change according to my reading mood.  Without further ado:

6/20/12    1.  "Within My Heart" by Tamera Alexander (All Series, All Summer  Review

6/21/12    2.  "The Man Who Loved Jane Austen" by Sally Smith O'Rourke  Review

6/23/12  3.  "Wildflower Bride" by Mary Connealy (All Series, All Summer) Review

6/24/12  4.  "Waterfall" by Lisa T. Bergren  Review

I'll be posting all of my updates/challenges to this post.  There are going to be quite a few challenges and they really look like a lot of fun.  I can't wait!

Won't you join in?


Something Wicked This Way Comes:

“A wildfire is quickly coming your way! What thing/s do you grab when you only have a few minutes to make it out?”
(I’ve saved any people or pets in there already!)

Since all people and pets are already safe, the first thing I'd grab would be my purse containing my wallet, credit cards, drivers license etc.  I'd also grab our envelope of important papers such as birth certificates and marriage license.  I'd also have to get my engagement and wedding rings out of my jewelry box where they now live since having to be cut from my finger.
Other than that, I can't think of anything major.  Maybe a few pictures.

Wicked Title Trouble:

"The Sandcastle Girls sure know how to ruin a summer vacation at the beach house!"


Sonnets and Serenades:

I challenge you to write an original love poem or song to or from a book character!

Dearest Darcy,
So many women do love you.
But you really must know,
Only my love is true!

This was HARD!  I really couldn't think of anyone I would write a poem to other than my husband.  So, I just picked the hero of the last book I read.



I finished my last book for the RAT late last night.  I mean really late!  But I was determined to meet my goal of reading 4 books.  I did it!

I had a great time with the RAT!  Many thanks to the hosts and also to the challenge hosts.  I look forward to the next when :)


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