
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tune in Tuesday ~ 6/12/11 ~ Disney World Edition

We're off to Disney Studios to see the Beauty and the Beast musical today.  Does this song get stuck in your head the way it does mine? :)



  1. I think that Beauty and the Beast is my favourite Disney movie, and I just adore this song! Once I've heard it I always find myself humming it for hours after!

    My Tune in Tuesday

  2. Oh man, this song never gets old! I think this is the song that made Celine Dion my favorite singer for a WHILE.

  3. I will always be a fan of Beauty and the Beast. It's probably my most favorite Disney film from when I was a child. I could sing along to a lot of the songs from this movie, haha.

  4. As a HUGE Disney fan, I so enjoy the Beauty & the Beast music. Although not so much the show at DHS. I am, however, totally jealous you are going over there today. :) Have a blast! Thx for sharing the Disney love!

  5. This was my favorite Disney movie as a could. I was told I would watch it on repeat lol. I think this is going to be stuck in my head now.

  6. YES! Beauty and the Beast is, hands down, my favourite Disney movie. Primarily because the awesome music, but also because of the beautiful library ;-)


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