
Monday, June 11, 2012

Hmmm?? ~ DW Edition Listicles ~ 6/11/12

"Top 10 Things That Make Me Go Hmmm..."

(Disney World Edition)

Duffy the Disney Bear at Epcot

1.  "Duffy" is the (apparently new) official Disney World Bear?  huh?

2.  Why would anyone create an amusement park that you can't get through in 1 day?

3.  Why would anyone create an amusement park that makes you feel like your feet are falling off by the time you make it back to the exit?

4.  Why do you have to pay to do a load of laundry at a resort that costs an arm and a leg to stay at?

5.  Why did we travel 950 miles and all the kids really want to do is swim in the resort pool?

6.  Why do we stand in line 2 hours to see/ride an attraction that lasts 2 minutes?

7.  Will my 5 year old remember anything from this trip?

8.  Do our hounds think we've abandoned them for good?

9.  Why can we only get our Disney World refillable cups filled at our resort and not everywhere Disney World?

10.  What could ever replace the time spent and memories we're making together as a family?  Nothing.

So, what are your top 10 things that make YOU go hmmm?

Have fun!

Linking up to:
Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings


  1. ha..I have to agree with all, especially numbers 5 and 6. They do just love to swim in the pool and we waited for 240 minutes for a two minute ride between Christmas and New Years once. NEVER go to Disney between Christmas and New Years. And I agree. We always go back because it is worth it. Except between Christmas and New Years.

  2. That bear looks like a monkey dressed up as one of the Village People. Where's Mickey? Isn't he enough? Ellen

  3. I must admit I have never been to DW and it is not on my bucket list. But happy family time is worth anything. Glad it was good times :)


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