
Friday, June 22, 2012

Thirty Five by 35 ~ Update ~ 6/22/12

My quest to complete 35 tasks
by the time I turn 35 on March 24, 2013.


My last update was on 6/1/12.  Now that I'm back home and getting settled in, hopefully I'll be able to update on a weekly basis.

I am able to cross a few things off the list this week.  So exciting!

Without further ado, here is my Thirty Five by 35 update:

1.  Lose 65 lbs.
Well, sadly, I gained 5 pounds over our 2 week vacation.  I really don't know how seeing as the the walking and sweating I did.  It felt like we walked 500 miles total.  I guess those desserts with lunch and dinner did me in :(

But, I have lost 3 of those gained pounds over the past week!  2 more and I'll be back at my starting point.  I'm going to have to really buckle down on this one.

I have been walking 2 miles in the morning before it gets hot.  So hopefully that combined with good eating habits will put a dent in this goal.

2.  Go to Disney World.
I'll post a pic when I get them loaded.

3.  Establish a once a month date night with the hubby.
I went through my calendar and scheduled a date night once a month!

4.  Only trim my hair when necessary.
So far so good!

5.  Get the house organized.

6.  Plan and go on a Romantic Getaway for our Anniversary 9/17.
I scheduled the dates.  September 21-23.  We still need to decide where we want to go.

7.  Plan and go on a Girls' Getaway with long-time friend(s) from school.

8.  Read 10 non-fiction books.
          1.  A Walk with Jane Austen by Lori Smith

9.  Get Laken to sleep in her own bed.

10.  Plan and hold a Girls' Night In.

11.  Reach 1000 Sales in my Etsy shop.  Currently at 559/1000.
Now at 571!

12.  Paint our Kitchen and Dining Room.

13.  Find and purchase a comfortable bike.

14.  Teach Kaylee to ride her bike.

15.  Get into a "Early to Bed/Early to Rise" routine.
Really slacking on this one but I've decided that I HAVE to set my alarm or else I'll sleep in every day.

16.  Walk a 5K.

17.  Go to the ocean.
Daytona Beach, FL!  6/6/12

18.  Survive Laken's first day of Kindergarten.

19.  Re-arrange Craft Room/Office.

20.  Take Kaylee to play Tennis.

21.  Take the hounds for walks.

22.  Read through the New Testament.

23.  Plant flower bulbs around the house.

24.  Refresh my Spanish with some kind of Spanish for Beginners.

25.  Find a long-term Pen Pal.

26.  Re-make my Dining Room centerpiece.

27.  Make Apple Dumplings.

28.  Go berry picking.

29.  Bake a turkey.

30.  Make my own candle.

31.  Eat oatmeal at least once a week.
Slacked a bit over vacation but am back on track.

32.  Get routine bloodwork done.

33.  Make a dentist appointment and keep it.

34.  Find a facial moisterizer that doesn't make me oily.

35.  Set my Thirty Six by 36 list.

Holding at 34,

I'll be linking up to Homemaking Linkup and Friday Fitness.

1 comment:

  1. love your lists :D I need to buy a bike and teach my daughter how to ride a bike this summer too :D **Old Follower**
    PS: luv ur blog.


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