
Friday, June 22, 2012

High Five Friday Fragments & Favorite Things ~ 6/22/12

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5 Highlights from the past week:


1.  We're home from our Florida vacation.  It was great seeing my family in FL and we had a wonderful time at Disney World, but it was so good to sleep in my own bed.  We drove straight home only stopping for bathroom and food breaks.  It took us approx 16-17 hours and we got home about midnight.  I flopped straight on my bed and sleep solid until morning.


2.  It was so good to be back in Church!  We mised 1 Sunday and 2 Wednesday night studies while we were gone.  I really missed the fellowship and feel of family.


3.  I'm participating in the "Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon".  It is a 5 day RAT and I set my goal at 4 books.  I've already read 2 and have 2 more to go!



4.  I had 13 books waiting at the Post Office for me when I got home!  You can see all of them on my Stacking the Shelves post but I was really excited about getting a book a had ordered while at Disney World.  It is "Off Balance" by Dominique Moceanu.  I remember when she was in the Olympics and I saw a recent interview clip about her book and life.  It looks amazing and I can't wait to read it as part of my "35 X 35" goal to read 10 non-fiction books before I turn 35.

Off Balance: A Memoir


5.  I haven't even downloaded my pictures from our trip yet, but we met Merida from the movie "Brave".  She was wonderful and taught the girls how to do a Scottish dance.  So naturally we will be going to see our good friend's debut movie this evening.  We're going to have dinner out and then on to the movie!  Here's a trailer of our new BFF's movie:


I look forward to reading everyone's highlights from the week!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like you had a great trip. Look forward to seeing some of the pictures on the blog.

  2. our daughter has met movie exciting...and then seeing them on big screen is really surreal
    eager to see your pics

  3. Sounds like you went home just in time to avoid Hurricane Debby! Glad you made it home safely.

    I read non-fiction more often than other books. I'm currently reading Lost at School (about kids with behavioral disabilities and how we don't meet their needs well). My favorite book of late, though, is Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves (mostly for parents of younger kids, but I loved it, as it validated many of my parenting decisions). I also loved Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (of course), and another old book that made a difference in my life is Co-Dependent No More, by Melody Beatty (I think). Have fun with your new books!

    Thanks for linking up to FF!! :)


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