
Friday, June 1, 2012

Thirty Five by 35 ~ Update ~ 6/1/12

My quest to complete 35 tasks
by the time I turn 35 on March 24, 2013.


This is my first Friday update.  I want to share what I've done this week and what my plans are to strive toward my 35 list in the next week.

You can see my original, complete "Thirty Five by 35" post HERE.

1.  Lose 65 lbs.

-This week - I didn't lose anything this week but I have started walking 2 miles in the morning before it gets too hot.  This week I walked a total of 8 miles.

-Next week - I'll be doing a lot of walking at Disney World.  The key will be to try to find healthy foods at the parks and restaurants.

2.  Go to Disney World.

-We're leaving Monday!
8.  Read 10 non-fiction books.

          1.  A Walk with Jane Austen by Lori Smith

13.  Find and purchase a comfortable bike.

-We did look at bikes this week.  I think I may have found the one I want!

15.  Get into a "Early to Bed/Early to Rise" routine.

-4/5 says this week I got up at approx. 6:30 am and was in bed my 10pm.  I was so tired this morning that I laid back down after getting Kaylee off to school.  It is her last day!

17.  Go to the ocean.

-We're stopping at my aunt's house in Daytona Beach for 2 days before we go to Disney World.  I can't wait to stand in with my feet at the edge of the water and look at God's beautiful creation!
22.  Read through the New Testament.

-I'm going to be starting Matthew while we're on vacation and see how far I get.
31.  Eat oatmeal at least once a week.
-I had oatmeal for lunch on Wednesday.  I do love oatmeal.  I just have to make a point of eating more of it for the health benefits.

So that is how I did this week.  I guess not too bad of a start.
Only 34 for now,

I'll be linking up to Homemaking Linkup and Friday Fitness.


  1. I struggle with oatmeal...I just do not like it, not even flavored, but I know it's good for me so I try to choke it down at least once a week. :/

    Enjoy Disney and the beach. Both are awesome!

  2. I'm completely jealous of your trip to Disney World! I STILL have never been there.

  3. I love oatmeal and I add fruit to mine to make it better!! Walking will really help with losing weight and I know that I have to get my butt in gear in order to start dropping some pounds! Great post!

  4. I am with Stacey. I despise even the though of oatmeal. However, my son with autism loves it! He eats it mixed with yogurt...maybe I should give that a try.


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