
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Camera Critters ~ 6/2/12

Camera Critters

Camera Critters is a Saturday meme hosted by Misty Dawn at Camera Critters  which is all about photos of animals/critters. 


School is officially out for summer at our house!

My Mom has been doing a pre-k curriculum with Laken two days a week.  One day at her house, one day at ours.  On the day Mom comes down, Jas does  school-work with Laken. 

Jas has her pretty school dress on and a comfy spot to sit.

She got a little bit distracted by my picture taking :)

It must have been hard work because it looks like Jas is ready for a nap.  Apparently a bunny came to school that day, too.

This fall, Laken will go to Kindergarten and it will just be me and the hounds home during the day.  I don't know how to feel about this.  I guess I'll find out...

Have a wonderful Camera Critters day!


  1. So Sweet! Love her little dress :0)

  2. Pretty little one!

    Visiting a little late from Camera Critters, here's my entry, hope you can still take a peek, your comment will be greatly appreciated.


I love reading your comments! Unfortunately, due to spammers, I now have to moderate comments.