
Monday, June 4, 2012

Sweet Summertime ~ Listicles ~ 6/4/12

"Top 10 Summer Memories"

1.  Our 2010 Family Vacation to Niagra Falls.  We rented a little house called "Dee's Bungalow" in Olcott, NY.  It was right on Lake Ontario.  We had a great time.  Just thinking about makes me want to sigh....

2.  Our 2011 Family Vacation to Gifford Pinchot State Park.  We rented a cabin on the lake.  The first part of the week was SO hot but then storms came through during the night and it was so pleasantly mild the rest of the vacation.  We did a ton of fishing.  I read by the lake.  We cooked out.  It was great!

3.  Our 2009 Family Vacation to New Germany State Park.  We rented a cabinin the woods.  Tall, tall pine trees surrounded us.  I loved sitting on the porch, looking down through the trees as I read, crocheted and did my devotions before everyone else was up.  We hiked, swam, went for ice cream, roasted marshmallows, etc.

4.  I love sitting on our deck that the hubby built around the pool.  I stick my feet and the water while I watch the girls swim.  I read, I crochet.  Everything is more better while dangling my feet in water.

5.  This one probably should have been at the top of the list but oh well.  The Summer of 2000 will forever be known as Our Summer of Romance.  Doug and I started dating in March and were married in September.  He was VERY romantic.  What happened?  lol

6.  Growing up I would read all summer long.  Every Friday was grocery day and my parents would take me to the library so I could stock up on 10-12 books for the week.  I would usually get them all read by the next Friday.  WAY back then, we didn't have cable, internet, DSI's, etc, and we lived in the boonies.  So I read.

7.  When I got to 7th grade, I was able to start playing Volleyball.  Every summer there would be a week long Volleyball Camp.  It would last all day long and was scourching hot in that school gym.  We loved every minute of it!

8.  I've always loved sitting around campfires.  Even those of the fire pit in the yard variety.  There is just something about watching those flames flicker and talking to each other that is so relaxing.

9.  I can't forget going to Amusement Parks!  There's Kenneywood, Hershey, King's Dominion, Busch Gardens, Six Flags, Water Country USA etc.  So fun!

10.  Another right of passage growing up was going to the County Fair.  When young, with my parents.  Older with my friends.  And now we take our kids. 

So, what are your top 10 Summer Memories?

Have fun!

Linking up to:
Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings


  1. What a great set of memories. I am from Toronto originally and look forward to seeing Lake Ontario again. Cottaging is such a treat!

  2. Follwing your blog,via the MONDAY LISTICLES blog hop!
    Check me out!

  3. I love how you always tie generations into your posts, this time with county fair. Family like that is a wonderful thing. you have traveled so much but it sound like staying at home is just as great :)

  4. I'm jealous of all your fun vacations! Especially staying in a cabin, sounds wonderful and peaceful. This is a great list, so many good memories.

  5. Cabins by the lake, sitting on porches relaxing and reading... my kind of thing. Sounds so lovely. Great memories to have. Hope you have a wonderful summer!!!


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