
Monday, June 4, 2012

2012 Family Vacation ~ Day 1

Travel.  Travel.  and more Travel. 

We set out from Southern PA this morning at 5am after a night of no sleep.  I was too excited to sleep!

Our rental van is a most lovely Nissan Quest.  I have decided that I will be very sad when we return it.

We made lots of stops for potty breaks, lunch (BK), leg-stretching etc.  (BTW, Virginia has some of the prettiest rest stops ever!)

My goal was to make it at least 600 miles before stopping for the day.  We made it to 650 miles by 5pm!  So, we started looking for a good place to stop for the night.

We had picked up a "Hotel Coupon" book at one of the rest stops.  We found a hotel that was located right behind a Cracker Barrel!  That pretty much settled it for us :)

So we are now settled in the hotel, after a yummy supper at CB, in Waltersboro, SC.

The girls were SO good.  I hope they are like this the whole trip!

We have about 5-6 more hours of driving tomorrow get to my Aunt Mary's in Daytona Beach.  Florida.  Tomorrow is her birthday so we want to get there early enough to have plenty of time to celebrate with her.

We haven't seen her in 6 years so we are all excited!

I'll try to post again tomorrow evening with our vacation update.  It will get more exciting.  I promise!

Happy Summer!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun! We just got home after a week in Florida visiting family. Isn't it great to have family in a vacation locale?


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