
Monday, June 11, 2012

Simple Woman's Daybook ~ 6/11/12 ~ DW Edition

Would you like to linger on the simple things...then join me and many others in taking a little look into the day plans and thoughts of those who are focusing on of the everyday moments.  Click the button above to go the hosting blog.


Outside my window...  is Disney World!

I am thinking...  About where we will go today.

I am thankful...  for the opportunity to bring the kids on this vacation!

In the kitchen...  no kitchen for me :) .

I am wearing...  Brown shorts, tan shirt with roses, flip flops.

I am creating...  memories with my family.

I am going...  probably to Epcot.

I am wondering...  When Mom and Dad will get here.

I am reading...  "Under a Maui Moon" by Robin Jones Gunn  (still).

I am hoping...  that it doesn't rain.

I am looking forward to...  showing Mom and Dad all the sights!

I am learning...  to be flexible.  Nobody wants to do the same thing at the same time.

Around the house...  my brother, aunt and cousin are taking care of the livestock back home.

I am pondering...  which footwear would be best for today.

A favorite quote for today...  "Hakuna Matata!"

One of my favorite things...  being on vacation with the family!

A few plans for the rest of the week:  Disney until Thursday, Aunt Mary's Thursday night and then roadtrip home Friday and Saturday.
A peek into my day...  Get Mom and Dad checked in an then out and about :)

Good Monday Morning!

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