
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Desperately Wanting, Wishing and Waiting ~ 6/6/12

These are two books, one released, one un-released that I can't wait to get my book-loving hands on!


Desperatly Wanting Wednesday, hosted by Parajunkee's View

 Desperately Wanting Wednesday hosted by Parajunkee and Wishlist Wednesday hosted by Pen to Paper both spotlight a book that has already been released and I can't wait to get my hands on.

Cowgirls Don't Cry (McCord Sisters, Bk 3)

"Cowgirl's Don't Cry" McCord Sisters Book 3
Author:  Christine Lynxwiler
Position on PBS:  #2

Freelance journalist Kaleigh McCord thinks she's found the blockbuster story that will land her a national magazine job when disillusioned pediatrician -- and former hot teen band member -- Dr. Simon Chandler starts a camp for children on her family's ranch. Could success be right in her own backyard?


WOW hosted by Breaking the Spine spotlights
an up-coming release that I'm eagerly anticipating.

Veil of Pearls

"Veil of Pearls"
Author:  MaryLu Tyndall
Release Date:  7/1/12

Be swept away to Charleston of 1811, a city bustling with immigrants like Adalia, who is a runaway slave so light-skinned that no one guesses her past. Terrified her secret will be discovered, she settles into a quiet life making herbal remedies for a local doctor.

But when Morgan, the handsome son of a prominent family, sweeps her into his glamorous world—a world in which the truth about Adalia’s heritage would ruin them both—suspicions and petty jealousies are aroused.

What will Morgan do when he discovers that the woman he has fallen in love with is a runaway slave?

Wanting, Wishing and Waiting until next Wednesday,


  1. Nice variety! I love stories about journalists...and if there are cowgirls, too, so much the better.

    Historical fiction also tempts me for that occasional step back in time.

    Thanks for sharing...and here's MY WOW POST

  2. I've not heard of these books but I hope you pick them up soon :)

    Here is my wishlist

  3. Both books look good and I haven't heard of either before. Hope you'll get to read them soon!


  4. They both sound like really good reads. I would like to know more about the children's ranch in Cowgirls don't cry.

    Veil of Pearl sounds like something I would be interested in reading. I like historical novels of this nature. I like learning about the past.

    Nancy @ The Avid Reader

    Wishlist Wednesday

  5. Those books sound interesting, I think I may have to look for them. I just finished a Mary Higgins Clark book "I'll Walk Alone". It was pretty good.

  6. Veils of Pearls has me intrigued as does Cowgirls Don't Cry but i will need to read books one and two first..since i am anal about reading them in order..hehehe

  7. I love the cover, but not sure I will read this one -- enjoy.


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