
Friday, March 23, 2012

Feel Good & High Five Friday ~ 3/23/12



"Just make a list. List 5 things that made you really happy this week. No matter how bad or boring you think your week was, I bet you can find 5 things."

1.  My little one loves, loves, loves to swing.  I get so much joy just from watching her go back and forth.  Back and forth.  I remember the days that I had to push her and we'd sing songs the whole time.  "Little Sir Echo" was one of our favorites along with "Jesus Loves Me".

I actually got Big Sis to join in on this picture :)

2. I love my swing just as much as the girls do.  When nice weather hits I CANNOT wait to get out and swing.  I love to just sit and bask in the sun and the beautiful sky.  I also love to read while the little one plays.  I did alot of that this week:)

My two beauties!  Getting this picture was something of a feat.  Apparently my 5 year old is gross to my 10 year old :)  lol

3.  One very, very beautiful evening all four of us took the hounds on a walk through the neighborhood.  I didn't take my camera  (kicking myself!).  It is always so fun to watch the girls try to handle the little York-a-Pom while Daddy handles our strong, beauty, Black Lab.  I do have some pictures of the hounds playing in the yard that evening.

 Delilah (aka Lilah or Pretty Girl)

 Jazmine (aka Jazz, Jazzy or Baby Bear)

4. For the longest time I would post a new recipe every week or I would try to anyway.  But lately I haven't posted a recipe for weeks, maybe even months.  That streak came to an end this week.  Even though the recipe was very basic and simple, it is definitely one of my favorites and I appropriately titled it "Go-to Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars".  I hope to get back into the practice of trying new recipes weekly :)

5. This one, once again has to do with the beautiful Spring weather.  One of my favorite indicators of Spring is when the flowers start to poke up through the dirt and the bushes and trees start to blossom.  In my yard, we have daffodils, grape hyacinths, tulips, flowering quince, a cherry tree and a plum tree that are all in their full glory of flowering.  I love it!!!

6.  Just for this week (maybe) I decided to add one more thing that made me smile.  I'm sure that a lot of ladies would agree that watching their men do yard work will bring a smile to your face :)  Here's mine even if he wasn't very thrilled about the picture taking:

So I hope you all have had a good week and definitely have a Feel Good and High Five Friday!

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