
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Bound By Guilt" by C.J. Darlington

Bound by Guilt

Book Description:

Roxi Gold has been shuttled from one foster home to another for most her life. She longs for a family and will do anything to fit in even if it's against the law. Soon she's traveling the country in an RV, stealing rare books from unsuspecting bookstores. She knows it's wrong, but if she refuses, she'll be put out on the streets.

Police officer Abby Dawson has seen the worst of society, and not just at work. Her ex-husband wrested her daughter away from her in a bitter custody battle. The job she once loved has become a chore, the world isn't any safer, and there's no joy in her life.

One fateful night a man's innocent blood changes both Roxi's and Abby's lives forever. One searches for justice; the other finds herself on the run until a first edition of The Great Gatsby catches up with her. Will the power of forgiveness set them free, or will they both remain bound by guilt?
My Thoughts:
First of all, I think this is the best cover I've ever seen on a book!
This was the second book I've read by C.J. Darlinton.  You can see my review of "Thicker Than Blood" HERE.  While the books aren't a series, per se, they do revolve around the Book Barn and have a lot of the same characters.
This book was mainly about Roxi.  C.J. did such a great job of making me love Roxi and if she were real, I'd want to take her in and give her a good home.  I'm so glad she finds does find people to love her, although she still must face the consequences of her actions.
This book made me think of all the children who are unwanted by their "parents" but are so very deeply loved by God.  How will they ever know that God made them and they are so very special?  It breaks my heart.
I loved C.J.'s first book and I loved her second even more.  I'll be watching impatiently for her next book.

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