
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weekly Bible Study Update ~ 3/6/11


1st Place for Health.  
"God's Best for Your Life". 
Week 8 ~ "God's Best for Your Finances".

God's Best for Your Life  -     
        By: First Place 4 Health
Memory Verse:  "My God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

Day 1:  Need or Want?
Day 2:  Wisdom or Wealth?
Day 3:  Where's Your Treasure?
Day 4:  Financially Fit or Flat?
Day 5:  Rich in Christ?
Day 6:  Reflection and Application
Day 7:  Reflection and Application

I really thought I knew where this week's lessons would go.  The typical "how to have no debt" study.  I was wrong.

For the most part, the lessons actually focused on teaching NOT to focus on money but TO focus on our riches in Christ.

It did touch on our physical finances and money issues but mostly in a how can we use our money to glorify God.

This is a quote from Day 6:

"Money doesn't fill emotional emptiness.  Only Jesus can fill that hole permanantly and bring satisfaction and peace.  If you have Jesus, you have everything you need.  As one paster said, 'What I 've come to realize is what I have in Christ is far greater than what I don't have in life' "
Day 6 in particular really struck me.

Next:  Week 9  God's Best for Your Daily Life

"Walking With Women Through the Word" with Wendy Pope
One Year Chronological Bible in the New Living Translation.
February 27- March 5, 2011

NLT One Year Chronological Bible, Large Print Softcover  -

This week had it all.  Everything from rebellion and the ground swallowing people up to the assignment of who is going to carry what as they head out to a new camp.

God showed the Israelites that He chose the Levites to be His priests and set them apart for service in the Tabernacle.  A rod that blossoms and blooms over night can't be questioned.  Amazing.

This week also told of the 12 spies being sent into Canaan and only Caleb and Joshua had the faith that God would help the Israelites conquer their enemy.  Because of the Israelites disbelief, God told them anyone 20 and older would not get to see the promised land but would wonder through the desert.

There are so many great stories.  Alot of which I learned in Sunday School classes when I was young.

Confession time:  I have been running a day behind on my reading this week.  I'm hoping to get caught up today and start the week out in the right direction.

"It's No Secret" by Rachel Olsen.  
Online Bible Studies with Melissa Taylor.

Starting March 20, 2011. 

Sign up at .

It's No Secret: Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know

Book Description

Are you tired of life as usual? Ready to trade your everyday issues and emotional hang-ups for a life of greater intimacy and fulfillment? — Then it's time you join Rachel Olsen and discover some God-sized secrets to successful living. Rachel's writing is lighthearted and fun. But she's serious about helping you uncover biblical secrets to energize your spiritual life and relationships. This book will help you:

* Handle petty conflicts and criticism with grace
* Overcome the competitive urges that leave you lonely
* Grow spiritually despite life's setbacks
* Relax unrealistic expectations in favor of emotional stability* Uncover a surprising means to worshiping God amidst your busy schedule
* Discover how to make what you give away ultimately return to you
* Find adventure as you yield wholeheartedly to God

 You'll explore twelve principals from scripture, and delve into the Bible yourself with end-of-chapter studies. So grab your Bible, your coffee cup, a copy of It's No Secret, and a girlfriend and come discover twelve secrets the world doesn't know that every woman should.

Hope you join in!


Have a great week everyone!

Please see my side bar for the wonderful places I'll be linking to!


  1. "If you have Jesus you have everything you need."
    Thank you, Colletta.

  2. The riches here are temporal. At best they will be gone in a few years. Riches in heaven are eternal. It isn't hard to decide which is more important. This is a good study. Thank you for sharing.


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