
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"LFYI Paradise, Pennsylvania" by Loree Lough

Love Finds You in Paradise, Pennsylvania

Book Description:

For as long as anyone can remember, tourists have flocked to the quaint town of Paradise, Pennsylvania, where Amish buggies are as common as shops selling handcrafted goods. But to attorney Julia Spencer this town is anything but a paradise. Raised in foster homes, Julia has succeeded in life only through steely determination and independence. The closeknit Amish people are a mystery to her, but local veterinarian Simon Thomas knows them well and is fiercely protective of their simple ways, which are increasingly threatened by the outside world.

When Julia agrees to defend a local teenager charged in a case involving an Amish boy, she and Simon find themselves on opposite sides of an intense and emotional legal battle. Just when it seems they will never understand one another, God has something to teach them both about the power of forgivenessand the joys to be found in Paradise.

My Thoughts:

I loved this story.  I am a bit biased though because it is based in Pennsylvania, the most beautiful state there is!

The character start out wounded and hurting just as the animals and teenagers that the are trying to help.

Simon knows that God put him in Julia's life to be her friend but it turns into much more than that.

Julia had no intentions of ever getting involved with anyone because of her "faulty genes".  God had other things planned for her.

I love how their relationship grows.

This book contains heartbreak and grief that Julia and Simon have to be able to move beyond in order to have a relationship, even friendship.

I will tell you right now that I cried while reading this book.  But, I also laughed and sighed and enjoyed every bit of it.


I've been having a reading marathon of all the LFYI books that I have on my TBR shelf, so be watching for lots more reviews coming from this series of books.

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