
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me! I'm 33 and a Giveaway!!!

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Thinking back when I was a kid, I can distinctly remember when my mom turned 33.  I don't know why.  Maybe I was just realizing that even adults have birthdays and was thinking of someone other than myself and when my own birthday would come.  Age 33, was something I always associated with my mom in my kid brain.

So, as of 7:14am this morning, March 24th, I am excited to say that "I am 33 years-old!"

This is the most excited I've been turning a certain age since "Sweet 16" and "Adult 21". 

Even the number 33 is pleasing to the eye.  Like 11 and 22.  I don't know if I'll feel the same way about turning 44 but today I'm going to celebrate my 33-edness.  lol

And I want to celebrate with YOU, dear readers!!!

Those of you who follow my blog, may have realized how important my First Place 4 Health group of ladies are to me.  We meet every Sunday morning at 8am before Church to discuss that week's study. 

My 1st Place study is a very important part of my morning and I'd like to share that with you.  I wish I could give everyone a Birthday present but I only have one copy to give of:

God's Purpose for You: First Place 4 Health Bible Study (First Place 4 Health Bible Study Series)

This is our group's next study book and we'll be starting it in a couple weeks.  You can see some details about the studies in my "Weekly Bible Study Updates" posts.

These studies are a great way to get you in God's Word everyday, and maybe you'll even be inspired to start a 1st Place Group with some of your friends and family.  I have been so blessed through my 1st Place ladies.

So, here how to enter.

+1   Tell me how old you are and what you LOVE about your age.  (we're all friends here.  You can tell us!)

+1  Be a follower.

+2  Blog about this giveaway

That is a total of 4 chances to win. 

I'll hold the drawing on March 31st at 12pm EST.

BTW, this book also contains a "Scripture Memory Verse Music CD".  Setting verse to song is a great way to memorize the verses.  (You'll recognize the weekly verses in my "Scripture Memory Verse" post each week)

I hope you'll help me in celebrating my birthday today and join in the giveaway!!


  1. Happy Birthday Lettie!! What a great idea for a giveaway!!! It's a great got hers in the mail 3 weeks ago and I've been studying it. I sure do wish I could attend 1st Place again, but its a little too hard for us, especially the weekends we have the kids. What a great study and a great group of ladies!!

    Hope you have a GREAT day!!!

  2. Happy Birthday to you!

    I turned the trumpeting 50 earlier this month! Nothing so wonderful about grey hairs yet to blame on it ;) I do love this stage in life though...empty nest (had 6), just hubby and I and my time is my own!

    Never heard of this book or study before, but would be interested in sharing this with my pastor's wife...for a possible study later on....hope I win!

  3. Happy Birthday! I am 41 and enjoy how much more I am relaxed as a parent. I tend to spend more time enjoying the simple blessings in life. Thanks for the chance to win. Your beautiful prayer shawls inspired me to try my hand at one of my own. Thanks for an inspiring blog. Kristi

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope it was a lovely one. I was born when my mom was 35 so I don't remember her 33rd birthday, lol!

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!


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