
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weeky Bible Study Update ~ 2/27/11


1st Place for Health.  
"God's Best for Your Life". 
Week 7 ~ "God's Best for Your Attitude".

God's Best for Your Life  -     
        By: First Place 4 Health
Memory Verse:  "Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7

Day 1:  Lord of All
Day 2:  What's In An Attitude
Day 3:  There's Going to Be a Test
Day 4:  Attitude is a Choice
Day 5:  The Devil Has a 'Tude
Day 6:  Reflection and Application
Day 7:  Reflection and Application

Do I have a positive attitude or a negative attiutude?  I'd like to say positive but if I'm truthful, sometimes that negative sneaks right in.

This lesson has helped me see that my attitude reflects how I feel inwardly, not only about others, but about myself as well.

In this world, I can't control the things that will happen.  I can control my attitude with much prayer and help from God.  MUCH PRAYER!

Next:  God's Best for Your Finances (ouch!)

"Walking With Women Through the Word" with Wendy Pope
One Year Chronological Bible in the New Living Translation.
February 20- February 26, 2011

NLT One Year Chronological Bible, Large Print Softcover  -

This week's reading was still in Leviticus.  Meaning lots of commands and then the people of Israel following them or sometimes not.  That meant lots of repetition in some parts.

I loved reading about the Festivals and what they were to do.  It seems like we have turned our "festivals", holidays, into just another work day.  See how much extra stuff we can get done, kinda day.

I especially liked the part about taking a complete day for rest.  (See, my Sunday afternoon naps are a requirement.)  I think this is essential for our well being.  Physical, mental and emotional.  As I call it, we need time-outs.

I'm looking forward to getting into this week's reading and discovering things I hadn't "caught" in prior readings.

 "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst.  
Online Bible Studies with Melissa Taylor.
Chapters 16-19

Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food  -     
        By: Lysa TerKeurst

Chapter 16:  Why Diets Don't Work
Chapter 17:  The Very Next Choice We Make
Chapter 18:  Things Lost, Better Things Gained
Chapter 19:  Live as an Overcomer

I have loved this study!  Truly, loved it.  I've been on the "Made to Crave" journey for about 5.5 weeks.  (I got my book a little late) but it has changed how I see so many things about my life and my issues with my weight and food.  Not only that but also issues with my spiritual life that have kept me from overcoming those obstacles.

I tend to have an obsessive nature, so I tried not to go overboard and burn out on my food and exercise plan.  I had to come up with plans that would work for me and that I could sustain.

That being said, I lost 7 lbs during this study and hope to continue forward onto victory.  Not only in weight loss but in spiritual growth.

I don't have to get overwhelmed because my very next choice is all that matters.  Will it be a good choice or a bad choice.  That is up to me.

I know I'll be keeping this book handy and rereading parts of it every week.  I don't want to forget all I've learned.

Melissa Taylors next online study starts on March 20, 2011 and we will be studying "It's No Secret" by Rachel Olsen.  I already have my book and am looking forward to starting the study.  You can sign up for the study over at .

I GOT DA POWAHH!!   (a little shout out to Melissa!  Thanks so much for leading us in this study!)


Have a great week everyone!

Please see my side bar for the wonderful places I'll be linking to!

1 comment:

  1. Attitude is soooo important. This is a very good study you are sharing.


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