
Monday, February 28, 2011

Marshmallow Pecan Bars

Before I post this recipe on my blog I need to tell you about another blog that is so spectacular.  I have gotten so many recipes from it lately.  It is:

Monster Mama by Mickey

I know I've referenced her for other recipes but I wanted to give a very special thank you today because this recipe was scrumptious.  So scrumptious in fact that I took it to a Bible Study and I didn't dare bring any home with me because I would have eaten them all.  I realized when I got home that I forgot to take a picture beforehand, so I had to borrow these pictures from Mickey's recipe post.  Make sure you go over and check out MONSTER MAMA!  Don't you just love that name.

Marshmallow Pecan Bars

1 cup chopped pecans
3/4 cup flour
3/4 cup quick cooking oatmeal
2/3 cup brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 egg lightly beaten
1/3 cup cold butter


1 jar (7oz.) marshmallow creme
2/3 cup caramel ice cream topping
1 3/4 cups chopped nuts

Preheat oven to 350.

In a small bowl combine chopped nuts, flour, oats, sugar and bakind soda.  Stir in egg, then cut in your cold butter until it is crumbly.  Using your fingers, press into a 13X9 pan.

Bake for 8-10 minutes until it is lightly browned.

Spoon marshmallow creme over hot crust, let it melt a little then gently spread over crust.  (I actually put it back in the oven for a minute to melt the marshmallow enough to spread it.)

Drizzle with the caramel topping and sprinkle with the chopped nuts.

Bake for an additional 15-20 minutes until the marshmallow creme top is just starting to brown.

Cool and cut into bars.

These were total chewy, gooey goodness.  Make sure you have some ice-cold milk at hand!

Please see my sidebar for all the great places I'll be linking to!


  1. these are clearly a win! thanks for sharing :)
    love this, love you! .meg

  2. Gooey is one of my favorite words! :) These look heavenly!

  3. Mmmmm, these look heavenly!

    I'd love for you to share this recipe on my linky for Sweet Tooth Friday.

  4. Hi Coletta,
    I love pecans and marshmallows. Paired up in this great bar is awesome. I have to make these real soon. Thank you so much for sharing at Full Plate Thursday and please come back!

  5. I know these would be a winner in my family! They look delicious!


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