
Monday, January 3, 2011

Queen of the Castle ~ Week 1

Week 1 ~ Who, Me?  A Homemaker?!

Lynn Bowen Walker didn't start out with the intentions of writing a book.  She was searching for a book to help her learn how to be a homemaker.   There were so many book pertaining to different skills but she didn't have the time to read them all.

"Homemaking is much more than a job--it is a profession: a profession which is venerable, honorable, and of the highest benefit to mankind.  We must not forget this" 
          Mary LaGrand Bouma "The Creative Homemaker"

Lynn wanted to be good at her job of homemaking but didn't know hwere to look for a good resource.  She wanted a book that recognized the fact that a homemaker's job consists of "zillions' of tasks.  She knew that for there to be a book like the one she was searching for, she would have to write it.
"The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands."  Proverbs 14:1
As wise women, we can committ to building our homes and then we c an watch as God turn them into strong, sturdy dwellings. 

Homemaking is a 24 hour-7 day a week job with no sick leave but eternal consequences.

A homemaker is not a housekeeper.  I would hate if my sole job was cleaning!  Homemaking is about the people involved in our lives.  Homemakers love, nuture, encourage, admire, pray and tend.  We change the lives we touch.

We as homemakers set the tone for our homes.  Environments where our families and friends can thrive.  The world sends the message that it is a waste of time.  Our hearts tell us it is the most fulfilling, creative job we could ever imagine.

I, like Lynn, think about the world "out there" with a paycheck for about 5 seconds.  Then I realize that I am so blessed to be able to stay at home.  For my husband, daughters, parents, friends and myself.  "Priceless".
"Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."  1 Timothy 4:7-8
Let's look beyond our daily tasks and see the opportunities to love our family and honor God.

What a great lesson for this week.  I'm really looking forward to putting this into practice and seeing what is in store for Week 2.

Please leave your comments on what you think being a homemaker is and if you are doing this study along with me, leave a link to your post.  I'd love to read it.

Please check out my side bar to see all the great sites I'm linking up to.


  1. All I have to say is ditto. I agree with everything you had to say. Homemaking is the best profession in the world.


    I had too many opinions to squish into a comment so did a post instead with a link to your post...I think...

  3. Awesome post! There is such drudgery when I feel like a housekeeper and such DELIGHT when I remember I'm a HOMEMAKER!

  4. interesting thoughts on being a housekeeper.

  5. Here's my post.

  6. This is a great Bible study. I feel that it will help a lot of women.

  7. I was so blessed to be a homemaker for all the years my children were at home and for many years after that. There is nothing more important in my opinion. Thank you for this encouraging post.

  8. I wanted to be a stay-at-home ever since I was a little girl. Of course, that was after I became a model, actress and singer, lol! Oh, and don't forget Miss America.

    I think a homemaker is making a home, whether it's for yourself, you and your spouse, or your family.

    After all, you aren't running a hotel. You are making a home for some very special people! Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!


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