
Monday, January 3, 2011

Prayer, Blogkeeping & QOTC

On Monday's I ususally post a recipe that I've tried.  However, the past few weeks I've neither the time nor the inclination to do any more than the basic necessity of cooking.


I ask you all to keep my dad in prayer.  He is currently in the VA Hospital in Altoona, PA with a very bad blood infection.  He is on some heavy duty IV antibiotics and he is improving each day.  But I still worry because, well, he's my dad, and they still have to find out what caused the infection to enter the blood which sets my over-active imagination to work.

The hospital is about 45 minutes away, so we've been busy making trips back and forth and just trying to take one day at a time.


I added tabs to the top of my blog a few weeks ago but have not had time to actually go into all my posts and make direct lists under the pages.  If I ever have time, I'll go in and try to get the back posts linked, but for now there is just a general link.

As of 1/1/11, I will be adding direct links under the "pages" as I post new posts.  That is the plan.  I may miss one or two but that is the way life goes.

I think I may also add a list of the link-ups I participate in on my side-bar rather than in each individual post. (a lot of redundant typing).  What do you think of this?  Is it disrespectful to just say "Please see my sidebar for the parties I'm linking up to today?  I'd love some opinions on this as I wouldn't want to offend any of the great party hosts.


Tomorrow (hopefully) will be my first Queen of the Castle post starting with "Week 1".  I'll be posting anything that strikes me or sticks out to me.  If you are also doing this "52 Weeks of Encouragement", you can do the same on your blog.  It doesn't have to be on Tuesdays, if Tuesdays aren't good for you.  But when you do post your QOTC post, please leave a link in my comments so I can come read what you thought of that particular week and maybe discuss what we got from the study.

Ok, I think that is all for now. 

As soon as my little one wakes up, we'll be heading off to Altoona to check on "Pappy".  Mom called him first thing this morning and he said he's feeling better and getting his appetite back.  Please keep him in your prayers for continued healing.

Thank you so much my bloggy friends!

BTW, the Steelers kicked some serious butt yesterday.  We are the Champions, my friends....

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about your dad. I will keep him in prayer for continued and speedy recovery. Hugs, Marty


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