
Friday, January 14, 2011

Online Study Classes

I wanted to share with you the two online study classes I'm participating in.

The first, I might have already mentioned is the "Walking With Women Through The Word" with Wendy Pope at  We are reading the One Year Chronological Bible and each day, Wendy does a video discussing that day's reading.  I'm really enjoying it so far.  Here's today video just to give you  a glimpse:

The second class starts this Sunday and is a class on the book "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkuerst which has become a tremondous hit and made the Top Ten List.  This study will be at .  Here is a video she made as a kind of intro.

I wanted to let you know about them in case you would like to join in.

1 comment:

  1. You are very industrious! They sound interesting studies and you/ one/ I can never know the Bible too well, I think. I think I'm going to change the Bible in a year readings to the consecutive programs as I like to go in a straight line rather than hopping around.


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