
Friday, January 14, 2011

Feel Good Friday ~ 1/14/11

"Just make a list. List 5 things that made you really happy this week. No matter how bad or boring you think your week was, I bet you can find 5 things."

1.  Dad is home from the hospital and looking so much better!

2.  The big snow storm missed us this time!

3.  I started burning my new "Sweet Pea" candles!

4.  My "One Year  Chronological Bible" came in the mail yesterday!

5.  I got my sewing room and yarn a bit more organized!


  1. Sooo glad your dad is feeling better! I've always wondered about the chronological bible. You'll have to let me know how reading it goes.

  2. So happy about your Dad and the snow missing you!! I too want to hear how the Bible Reading goes.

  3. I've organized my yarn, but could you come over and organize my sewing room????


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