
Monday, November 8, 2010

Professionalizing Motherhood ~ Introduction

Professionalizing Motherhood - by Jill Savage

Over the next 5 Mondays, I will be reading and highlighting "Professionalizing Motherhood" by Jill Savage.

I somehow came across the Hearts At Home website and was intrigued.  I ordered the book from and excitedly awaited for it to arrive in the mail.

I'm going to use this series as a sort of notebook that I can come back and reference when I start questioning my stand on being a SAHM.  There are 5 parts:

Part 1:  Shift Your Thinking
Part 2:  Determine Your Strategy
Part 3:  Tools of the Trade
Part 4:  Establish Your Career Training and Development

I'm excited to dig into this book.  So, here I go!


Jill Savage explains how the Hearts at Home ministry got started.  She realized that being a "mom" was a lot more complicated than what she had ever imagined.

In 1989, she asked 8 women to start a weekly meeting to help each other become better wives, mothers and homemakers.  They were searching for friendship, encouragement and education.  They even hired a sitter to watch all their children in the basement while they met.

Before long they needed more than one sitter and moved the meeting to a local church facility.  They were 150 strong.

Jill realized that mothers all over needed this type of support also.  She decided that a conference for the career of Motherhood was needed to help rejuvinate and inspire others in the profession of Motherhood.  1,100 women registered for the first conference!

From that point forward, Hearts at Home became an organization committed to the career of Motherhood.  They believe it is a valid profession and hope to educate, encourage and equip mothers at home in their personal and family lives.

This book came from the desire to bring the message of keeping your heart at home and the incredible value of Motherhood.  It is a season in life that should be cherished.

Next Week:  Part 1:  Shift Your Thinking

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  1. Sounds like an awesome book! Here God has taken her desire and greatly blessed many women's lives with it, just because she wanted to be a better wife and mom.

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!

  2. Coletta - Jill is my husband's nephew's wife. They live in Illinois and he is a pastor. She has written several books for mothers. They have 5 children and the second youngest was adopted from Russia. Hope you enjoy her book

  3. Very interesting. I will follow you every Monday! God Bless!

  4. I love Jill's writing. She is such a blessing. She and her husband are both speaking and working with Hearts at Home full-time now.

    They travel all over the country speaking to mothers.

    I am so blessed to be ministering to my family full-time at home. I love the fact that she talks about being a help-meet too. Its our first calling as wives and one we sometimes overlook as we focus on being mamas. Her books are so helpful.

    Nice to meet you!

    Visiting from Monday's Making your Home Sing party!


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