
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Crochet & Christmas Book Giveaway!!!

I haven't had a  giveaway for quite a while and so to show my appreciation to all my readers that is what I'm going to do right now.

The first item will be a handmade crocheted Earwarmer Headband in Christmassy colors, of course!


What better book to read this time of year than a Christmas themed book?

Christmas Homecoming: A Holiday Wedding Reunites Old Loves

Christmas Homecoming
Debby Mayne
Paige Winship Dooly
Elizabeth Goddard &
Elizabeth Ludwig

Soar to new heights in this inspirational Christmas romance collection where four females encounter love amid the Colorado Rockies.

A widowed grandmother, Carol Scheirer, is filled with angst, unsure that her family will accept the new man in her life.

Wedding planner Noelle Evans wonders if the guy who once jilted her deserves a second chance.

Old letters put writer Christmas Scheirer at odds with the guardian of her grandfather s estate.

Missionary Holly Rivers finds she still has feelings for the man she left behind.

Will mistletoe missives result in more than one Boulder bride?

Here are the ways to enter the giveaway:

+1 leave a comment with your email and answer the question:  "What is your favorite Christmas tradition?"  You must answer the question to be entered.

+1 Be a follower or become a follower and let me know that you are.

+2  Blog about this giveaway and let me know that you did.

That is a total of 4 ways to be entered in the drawing.

The drawing will be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 12pm  EST.
Thanks everyone for participating and for reading my blog!!  You have no idea how much I appreciate each and every one of you!

Also to add to the fun, I am currently at 191 followers.  If I make it to 200 followers by the drawing, I will be giving away a second Christmas themed book to an additional winner!


  1. My favorite was when we as a small family made a bd cake for Jesus and sang happy birthday before we opened our gifts.
    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  2. I'm a follower via GFC.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  3. WOW Let....I didn't realize you blogged so much. I am now a follower so I have LOTS to catch up on. Lots of great stuff on your page. It should keep me busy for a while. Love ya!!

  4. I'm now a follower! :)

    My favorite tradition is using an advent wreath we also pick a charity and decide who to donate to and pray for who we choose.

  5. My favorite Christmas tradition is probably baking sugar cookies. The recipe is my Grandmother's and we bake them every Christmas.

    I'm a follower

  6. My favorite Christmas tradition is making Santa's Butter cookies with my kiddos!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  7. Blog follower!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  8. Blogged!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  9. Blogged!

    heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

  10. My favorite Christmas tradition is simply decorating the tree as I share that with my little daughter now.


  11. My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree together as a family reminiscing about the "special-ness" (is that even a word?) of each ornament. We also talk about past Christmas memories.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  12. GFC Follower

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  13. My favourite is decorating the tree with the whole family, and afterwards going to the Midnight Mass.

    I am the follower :)

  14. Hi all - momahof3 here...
    i just found you tonight -
    thru a link from quilting !
    Christmas is special to us -
    and it starts Dec. 6 - for St. Nicholas Day - we all put our boots out - and recieve a small
    gift and candy. I get a new lipstick ! and Sunday is the Kids Christmas Pagent @ Church:
    God Bless you all +
    Happy Holidays from No. Illinois!

  15. I just love that we go out to dinner on Christmas eve so there is no worry about cooking and cleaning before the big day.

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  16. One of my favorite Christmas traditions is having sausage roll for breakfast on Christmas :-) Yum!

  17. OH I love this so much! Love the headband!

  18. It turned out SO cute! I love the flower!!

    One of my favorite Christmas traditions would have to be baking cookies. I almost always make the same kind and usually only make them at Christmas. It makes them extra special.

  19. I love the ear warmer! I also like the cover art on the book.
    My favorite thing about Christmas is family. I love to call and talk to them and spend time with my little ones.

  20. I am a new follower:)

  21. My favorite Christmas tradition is baking cookies and caroling to the neighbors.

  22. What wonderful traditions! Good luck to you all. Merry Christmas!


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