
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Blessing in the Mail

Yesterday in the mail I received a blessing.

It came in the form of a card from one of my readers who wanted to cheer me up.  And that she did.

Her words of encouragment mean so much to me and the card itself is just wonderful.

The fronts says:  "Your life shows what your words tell--that daily walking with God really makes all the difference."  And it does make all the difference. 

Inside is a Bible verse:  "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13"  This verse reminds me of the little children's song "Running Over, my cup is full and running over."  what better to overflow with than hope from the Holy Spirit.

On the very back of the card is a prayer:

Creator of all
We were made for Your pleasure
You are jealous for us
For You see our lives as a treasure
You want to walk with us day by day
To have people who gladly say

Lord we belong to You alone
We bow before no other throne
For You have redeemed us
With Your sacrifice
Our lives are not our own
Lord we belong to You alone
So come dwell in us
Make Your glory known
Our greatest joy is found
In knowing You
Belonging to You alone

Almighty God You've held plans for us
Through the ages
You give each life a call
And a reason for being created
We want to be a house You have built
A living temple that You have filled.

Isn't that beautiful? 

To give credit where due, the card is made by Integrity Notes at  The poem was written by Steve and Vikki Cook.

To the very special person who sent me this card, and you know who you are, thank you so very much.  You are a blessing to me!

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