
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Prayer Journals (Girls Sunday School)

I posted about my endeavor to teach the Girl's Sunday School Class ( you can read about it here) and promised updates.

The first week we met, I went over what we were going to be doing and what the study involved.

I wanted to ease into things and since our first section is about praying, I had each girl decorate a Prayer Journal.  They exchanged names and each has a prayer partner that they are supposed to pray for everyday.  I asked that they notate something in their journal daily.

They had a great time personalizing their journals.

They started out as plan, old composition books.

I decorated mine the night before so that they could see an example before trying to do their own. 

Here's mine:

I took my scrapbooking stuff (the little that I have), ribbons and some other decorative doodads for them to decorate their journals.




And of course my littlest had to get in on the action.


Throughout the week, I contacted them via Facebook (how weird is that!) and encouraged them to write in their journals each day and continue praying.

The first week was a success and calmed my nerves a great deal about this endeavor. 

Please continue praying for me and the girls.

Linking to:

Homemaking Link-up
Strut Your Stuff Thursday
Spiritual Sundays
Mady By You Monday
Making Your Home Sing
Homemaker Mondays
Metamorphosis Monday


  1. I love this and the girls will love seeing their names and pictures on the blog. Good job, Lettie.

  2. OH~~What a wonderful idea, I love it. I'm so glad that you have a since of calmness now.
    God Bless,

  3. the girl's books look great anda lot of fun to make and decorate. Also I love that scriputre. reagr

  4. Such a great idea. I love that. I should make a prayer journal. I need a place to write down prayer requests. I like how you used scrapbooking materials to decorate them with. Very creative! God bless you in your ministry to these girls.

  5. What lovely smiles and I'm glad they are learning early about the power of prayer.

  6. Colletta, that's such a great idea! Thank you for sharing. I'm sure your SS girls will be blessed!

  7. Oh how pretty and fun. Great idea. Maybe I'll do one with my daughter (17 y/o). She enjoys making all kinds of artistic and creative projects. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely Sunday.

  8. How wonderful is that! What a blessing teaching them to start with a prayer journal so young!

    This is my first visit to your blog and I really love it!

    I have a Scripture memory challenge for my readers each week now too! We just started 2 weeks ago. I'd love for you to come by and check it out if you have a minute sometime. I am your newest follower...I am really looking forward to getting to know you!

  9. The journals were so cute! Keeping a prayer journal is one of the units in a book I am using with my daughter, "Keepers At Home." I think we'll use your idea! Thanks for posting.

  10. What a wonderful idea! How fun to make it their own, and that will make them want to use it even more!

    What a blessing to be encouraging your children to pray for one another and others.

    Thanks for linking up to Making Your Home Sing Monday!


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