
Monday, October 11, 2010

Making "My" Home a Haven Week 2

I am participating in "Making Your Home a Haven Fall 2010" hosted by Courtney at "Women Living Well".

Last week I did well with the challenge to light a candle everyday.  I usually do this anyway.  I also added the habit of praying for peace in my family and home.  There were times when I actually sought out the flickering fame of the candle to pray for peace.  I'm going to try to continue this and make a daily tradition.

The challenge for Week 2 is:

This week's challenge is two-fold also: Play soft music everyday in your home. Choose worship, classical or another form of peaceful music that the family enjoys. Focus on using peaceful words and maintaining peaceful relationships. Remind your family to avoid seething anger, tattling, criticism or back talk. Role model gentleness this week.

Soft music-  I usually have music playing everyday.  When I'm cleaning or cooking, I need some up tempo music to help me get moving and make the work go faster.  A little dancing in the kitchen can go a long way!

Other times, I need a little music to relax to.  This is when I'll get out my praise cd's.  I admit that I usually listen to country music while doing my work.  I don't have a very large inspirational music library.  Most of what we have are children's praise cd's and they are usually upbeat also.  Maybe I'll look into an instrumental hymn cd.

Peaceful words and peaceful relationships-  I think having peaceful relationships is what we all dream of and I think that using peaceful words will go a long way toward accomplishing this in our home.  If I can work on using peaceful words myself, then I can encourage others, especially my girls, to use peaceful words also.  They mostly have a hard time speaking nicely to each other! 

I sometimes wonder why we can speak so nicely to strangers and yet so be so nasty to the people we love.  I'll definitely try to work on this and motivate my family to do so also.

So, this week as I see the flickering flame of the my candle, I'll be praying for peace in my home but also taking the first steps toward accomplishing this goal.

Come join along with Making Your Home a Haven.  I know we all would like to have a little more peace.


  1. I am doing the challenge to. Someone told me about where you can play music through your computer. I don't have much of a collection either, but this way I can hear Christian music.

  2. I must admit that I love country music too. It's always an interesting mix on my iPod when I shuffle...a little country...a little christian...a little 80's rock...basically a little of everything. :)


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