
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Orange-Sugar Cookies

Cookie # 6 in:

Orange-Sugar Cookies

1 cup sugar
3 cups flour
3 Tablespoons dried, ground orange peel
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup finely ground almonds, toasted
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
Optional:  Sprinkles, colored sugar, etc.

Preheat oven to 350.

Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl.

Add softened butter, vanilla, milk and eggs.  Beat until thoroughly mixed.

For drop cookies:  drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet.

For rolled cookies:  refrigerate dough fora  couple hours to chill.  Roll out on lightly floured surface to 1/4 thick.  Cut with cookie cutter and place on ungreased cookie sheet.

Optional:  You can add sprinkles or colored sugar to the top of the cookies before baking.

Bake for 10 minutes.  Remove cookies from oven and let cool on cookie sheet for 1 minute, then transfer to cooling rack.  (Makes 3 1/2 to 4 dozen.)


These cookies were a favorite of my 9 year-old.  She took them in her lunch to school and shared with her friends.  I loved the roasted almond smell filling the house.  I'll probably make these again.
Let me know if you try them!

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  1. These sound heavenly!!! I bet the almonds do smell wonderful!

  2. These sound delicious! I love the smell of almonds too.

  3. does sound heavenly...thanks for adding me..I will add you sister and I went through your sweet blog a bit as well as your recipes...we are going to make you Dr.Pepper Cupcakes tonight..... I will let you know how it turned out... nice to meet you by the way..looking forward to getting to know you...hugs...mica

  4. These do sound wonderful. I think I can almost smell them. lol

  5. Hi Coletta,
    Love the new look on your blog. I'm also using similar colors now. Don't you just love the tabs? Makes it look so professional.
    Deborah (Debbie) M.

  6. Those look so good! I'm saving the recipe to use on my holiday trays.


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