
Friday, October 29, 2010

Lightly Spiced Raisin Cookies--Yuck!!!!

Cookie # 8 in:

Lightly Spiced Raisin Cookies

I'm not even going to post pictures or the recipe!  See Results...


Yuck!  Yuck!  Yuck!!  This recipe must have either had a misprint or someone has no taste buds.  When putting the ingredients in the bowl, I tought"  Wow!  3 teaspoons of baking soda!?!  Ok."

They smelled really good.  My mom and I sat down with some tea and a cookie fresh from the oven.  Anticipation!  I don't like raisins so I picked them out.  The cookie itself looked promising.

One bite.  That was all it took.  It tasted like straight baking soda!  They were completely inedible.

How disappointing!  Oh, well, better to find out now than 2 days before Christmas.
DON"T try these! 

1 comment:

  1. See, this is why you are really smart! It's much better to try it out ahead of time, like you did.

    Thanks for the heads up and thanks for linking to Making Your Home Sing Monday!


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