
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Scripture Memory Verse Challenge 9/12/10

Scripture Memory Verse 9/12/10-9/18/10

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

By memorizing Scripture, we can have instant access to God's Word. His guidelines for our lives as well as great comforts are with us wherever we go and whatever we do.

My challenge to you, my beloved readers, is to memorize the above verse this week. You can also pass along this challenge to YOUR readers. After all, the more people hiding God's Word in their heart, the better this world will be.

Don't forget to let me know how you're doing and make sure to come back next week for a new verse.


  1. While I exercise tomorrow I will have my index card with the memory verse in front of me. Thanks for spurring me on. I am new to blogging, but was looking for a way to carry your fall fitness button and the scriputre memorization to my blog. Stop by my place and leave me a message.

  2. This is a awesome scripture, I love it.

  3. I memorized this verse when I was a teenager about a hundred years ago. It's amazing how things you memorize when you're young seem to stay with you much longer than things memorized later in life. I'm glad you are encouraging people to memorize scripture. It's a very good thing to do.


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