
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Done With Dawdlin' 9/11/10

Brandi at A Well Blessed Woman is starting a new weekly link-up called "Done With Dawdlin'", an anti-procrastination link-up.  Here are the rules in Brandi's own words:

"Every Saturday, I'm going to post my goal for the coming week...something that I've been putting off that I'm going to focus on and complete before the next Saturday rolls around. And since I don't think I'm the only "dawdler" out there, I'd love for you to join me! Create a post on your own blog about your goal for the week and then complete the linky below so I can find you. Make sure you link back to the current weeks' post here at The Well Blessed Woman from your blog so others can join in. Each Saturday, except for the first, make sure you include in your post an update on last week's goal and what your new goal is for the coming week."
So, I guess this is where I list my anti-procrastination goal for the week.  Here goes:

This past week I have been terrible about having my Bible Study time.  I usually sit down around lunchtime to eat, have some quiet time and do my Bible Study.  I'm ashamed to say that I've procrastinated with it this week.  I kept thinking, "I'll do it when I can really sit down and concentrate".  So, I'm behind a few days.  I know, I know.  Bad, Me.

So my goal for this next week is to get back on track with my daily Bible Study and Quiet Time.

There it is.  I'll let you know how I do next Saturday.


  1. Hi Coletta! Thanks for linking up! That is a GREAT anti-procrastination goal...the most important one, I would say! Glad to have you joining me!

    I'm working on a button...hoping to have one for you soon! :0)

  2. Hi Colletta! I'm an anti-procrastination link-up participant also. Good luck!



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