
Monday, July 5, 2010

Very Interesting New Blog

I came across this really neat blog through another blog I follow. It is called "Sewing In No Mans Land" How far will 15 yrds go?

Here is the blog plot:

Hi! My name is Kelly. I am currently living in Dili, Timore Leste (East Timor, to most of the world) a tiny island off the coast of Northern Australia. My husband works for the US Government here so our families are diplomates to the country for the next two years. To learn more about Timor you can click HERE. The short version is it is a VERY war ravaged nation who only won it's independence a decade ago. They are a wonderful people although incredible impoverished. The majority of the capital was burned to the ground but it is slowly being rebuilt. When I came to Dili we were allotted a certain amount of weight for items we wanted to bring with us. The few items that were undebatable were my sewing machines, my camera and a heap of fabric. Well, I ended up with a little under 15 yards of fabric. The local “fabric stores” only carry solid colors or mildly hideous floral prints. This left me with a challenge. Although we have diplomatic pouch, making it so we have a US address and anything shipped to us costs the same amount it would if we were living in the states, I decided to see how long I could make those 15 yards of cute fabric last, and what new patterns I could make up.

The Rules

I can only use fabric I either brought with me or is sent to me by friends, family or readers. The only fabric I personally can purchase must be found locally. This does include when I am on vacation (They have some cool fabric in Bali!). Once the fabric I brought with me is out that is it, I have to make due with only local items. I am considering this a Global Experiment in Sewing and hope to get lots of feed back and suggestions. We will be moving every two years with a month back in the states in between so things should get pretty fun as I find fabric all over the world. Thanks for checkin it out and leave a comment, I love to hear from you!



I thought it was very interesting and am looking forward to following her creative thriftiness.

Go check it out.

1 comment:

  1. WoW! Remote living or what! And I thought parts of East Africa were cut off??
    You are right though, it does sound interesting, and it sounds like she has a good attitude to being a Diplomat's wife, which can be both tough and lonely. I'm off to check it out- thank you!


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