
Monday, July 5, 2010

200th Post Giveaway!!!

This is officially my 200th post. And, no, the giveaway is not $200! (the picture is just reprentative of the # 200, duh.)

So, here's the deal. My 200th Post Giveaway will include the following:

A hand-crocheted shawl made from Lion Brand Homespun yarn. Color to be decided at a later date. The below is in "Windsor". If you've never felt the Homespun yarn, it is so soft and comfy and just plain snuggly.

But, wait. There's more. You will also win "The Bridegrooms" by Allison Pittman.

Book Description:

It Only Takes an Instant for Love to Strike

Tragedy hits the Allenhouse family on a hot summer night in Ohio when a mother of four vanishes. Eight-year-old Vada virtually grows up overnight and raises her three younger sisters while her father loses himself in his medical practice in the basement of their home.

Now, Vada is a grown woman, still making her home with her father and sisters. Her days are spent serving as an errand girl for Cleveland's fledgling amateur orchestra; her evenings with Garrison Walker, her devoted, if passionless, beau.

Dizzying change occurs the day the Brooklyn Bridegrooms come to town to play the Cleveland Spiders and a line drive wallops the head of a spectator. The fan is whisked to the Allenhouse parlor, and questions swirl about the anonymous, unconscious man.

Suddenly, the subdued house is filled with visitors, from a flirtatious, would-be sports writer to the Bridegrooms handsome star hitter to the guilt-ridden ballplayer who should have caught the stray shot. The medical case brings Dr. Allenhouse a frustration and helplessness he hasn't felt since his wife's disappearance. Vada's sisters are giddy at the bevy of possible suitors. And Vada's life is awakened amid the super-charged atmosphere of romantic opportunity.

To enter the drawing you can:

+1 Leave me a comment telling me what your ultimate summer vacation would be.

+1 Follow my blog. Make sure you mention in your comment that you are following.

+2 Blog about my giveaway and let me know you have.

That is a total of 4 possible enteries.

There a bonus if I gain 10 new followers for a total of 135 followers. I will be giving away a 2nd book of my choosing.

The deadline to enter this giveaway is July 12, 2010 at 12pm EST.


  1. I would love to win your 200th post contest.

    I have been a follower of your blog for a while. I wish you had a Feedblitz or Feedburner place to sign up where your blog will feed into my Inbox.

    My ultimate summer vacation would be to go to Hawaii with my husband.

  2. Oh wow, congratulations on your 200th post. That is awesome. I would love to win the contest. Both articles are amazing. I live in Canada, is that a problem?

    wyndyc at gmail dot com

  3. Oops I forgot to say that I follow your blog. I just returned from an ultimate holiday to the Maritimes. My next ultimate holiday would be to Waskesiu National Park

  4. Colletta,

    I have signed up to follow your blog.

    My ultimate summer vacation would be to have one of those super-duper fancy tour buses (like the country music stars have) and travel all over the US to see all of the magnificent things God has given us - Yellowstone, Rockies, etc. I would take this trip the latter part of the summer so that I would end up in New England in the fall when the leaves change colors.

  5. Just posted a blog about your givewawy -

  6. Fun giveaway!
    My ultimate vacation would be AUSTRALIA!!!

  7. Congratulations! My ideal vacation would be in Ocean Isles, NC where I'll be sometime in August. Its special because I've never been to the ocean and I know I will enjoy it immensely. My daughter, grandaughter and I are going with a group of others so it should be alot of fun.
    Please add me to your giveaway, I'm looking forward to sitting on the deck and reading too. Thank you!



  8. I subscribe via Google.



  9. My dream summer vacation would be a Cruise to Hawaii with my family and I would love to go scuba diving with the kids!
    Congrats on your 200th post! I have been a follower for a long time! Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  10. I posted about your giveaway here...

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  11. My favorite dream vacation would be to spend a month at the beach. One day.....

    I follow your blog! Congrats on 200 posts!

  12. Congratulations. The ultimate summer vacation for me would be spent in Provence with a few days in Paris on either side. And I plan to do that next summer!!

  13. I just became a follower too. Hope you reach 135!

  14. What a fun giveaway...and I am a follower...been a follower...

  15. Congrats on your 200th post. My dream vacation would be a cruise to Hawaii or a stay in the mountains away from this hot, humid weather we are having.

    I am a Blog Follower

    misskallie2000 Win "The Bridegrooms" by Allison Pittman at
    less than 5 seconds ago via web

    FB (Brenda B. Hill)
    Brenda B. Hill Ck this out
    Win "The Bridegrooms" by Allison Pittman at

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  16. My ultimate vacation would be to take a cruise to Alaska in July or August.


  17. My ideal vacation would be Hawaii with my sister and my grandson.

  18. Congrats!!! I love that shawl...
    My dream vacation would be Australia, it just looks so great in the pictures and on TV :)

    I'm a new follower :)

  19. congrats on getting to 200! I love the shawl and would take it with me to my dream vacation in Hawaii!


  20. I've been a follower of your blog for awhile.


  21. Wow, the shawl is stunning! What a prize. Count me in.

    And what a fun question. The perfect vacation would be sitting in a rocking chair on a porch in the woods overlooking a babbling creek--with my laptop for the rest of my life. Ha!

  22. Colletta,
    You have a lovely blog! 200 posts is quite a milestone! I know, literally what it takes to post that many posts. Congratulations for making it to the 200 club!
    And such a generous giveaway! WOW! This is a gift I would cherish! So kind of you!
    I am a new follower and I'll put this giveaway on my side bar.
    That should give me 4 wonderful chances. So nice to visit you this evening.

    Now my perfect vacation would be to go on a cruise to the Greek Isles... or to Alaska... or to Scotland...

  23. congratulations :)

    would love to visit charleston, sc...

    a fabulous giveaway...

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  24. My dream getaway is a secluded beach with my books and my sweety. Harker's Island NC is a place I've always wanted to visit.

  25. Congratulations! My ideal vacation would be a 7 day cruise anywhere!!!

  26. a new follower via GFC

  27. blogged giveaway

  28. blogged giveaway


  29. If internationals are welcome, I would love to participate :)


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