
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Our First Crafting Bee

This morning our first ever Crafting Bee started at 10am. My oldest daughter decided that she wanted to stay home with her daddy so she could sleep longer. My youngest was raring to go.

This is Wills Mt. Church of Christ on Gooseberry Ave, Hyndman, PA. A lot of my life revolves around this place and the people who make up the church.

We needed some music, so I scrounged up some CD's in the Wee Church room. We sang away and my little on loved it. She even did ballet to the songs. She really picked up on some of the words to a few songs.

This is my area that I staked out on. I worked on hand-quilting my Butterfly Quilt. I brought my crochet along but didn't get a chance to work on it.
This is my sewing box. Ta-da!

Up-close of the quilt.
This is my mom, Ginny. She's working on a doily. She already finished one and is working on the second to complete the pair.

Smile, Mom!

She started this last night and this is her progress to that point.

Laken took her projects, too. She brought some new books to read and a few coloring books. She was amazingly good for the amount of time we were there.

Hard at work.

Laken had to take a break during one of her dance routines. It was possibly to the tune of "What a Friend We Have in Jesus".

At noon, we took a break for lunch and went for a quick stroll around the block to loosen up a little.

We were on the lookout for flowers to take pictures of. Can you see the big bumble bee rolling around coated with pollen in this Rose of Sharon?

Pretty yellow thingamagig.

Beautiful Habiscus.

Dianthys in the church flower bed.

Brown-eyed Susans. Or are they Black-eyed Susans?

After our walk, we got back to work and had a lot of fun. I really enjoyed our time crafting today. My mom said it was a Recreation Day without spending any money. I say that is the best kind.

Hopefully more crafters will be able to join us at our next meeting.

COMING UP: Tuesday, July 27th; 10am-2pm.

AUGUST: Saturday, August 7th and Tuesday, August 17th.


  1. love the quilt you are working on and so nice to see someone hand quilting as so many machine quilt now days. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I need to dig out the small quilt I brought along to hand quilt and get started on it soon if it isn't too hot to work on.

  2. Thank you for stopping by-no there were no honks-given I live in the land of silicone what I have to offer would not warrant a honk-your craft bee sounds fun.

  3. Looks like fun. I have a ton of craft projects and would love the time to set aside to work on them with my sisters in Christ. Hopefully I can make it on the 27th!

  4. I can't wait to see how the hand quilting turns out!


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