
Friday, July 9, 2010

Movie Review: "The Flower Girl"

My husband has been on second shift this week, so I've been having a Hallmark Movie marathon of sorts.

I've been DVRing movies that look interesting and then when I get the time/opportunity, I can enjoy them.

Tonight I watched "The Flower Girl".

Movie Description:

Laurel (Marla Sokoloff) is always the floral designer, never the bride, and she despairs of someday meeting Mr. Right until, by luck, two equal but opposite suitors enter the picture, causing Laurel to see that love blooms in many varieties. On the one hand is courtly doctor Evan (Terry Maratos); on the other is moody writer Stephen (Kieren Hutchison) -- and well-meaning grandmother Rose (Marion Ross) is ready to referee in this Hallmark romance.

My Thoughts:

When the movie first started, I couldn't figure out where I had seen the leading lady before. I racked my brain until I realized she was in another romantic comedy I had seen called "Play the Game". Once I had that figured out, I was free to enjoy the movie. Don't you just hate when something is right there but you just can't pull it out of your memory?

This movie makes me want to be a florist. Or at least maybe go buy some flowers. Better yet, I've been wanting to get some more live plants for my house. I didn't want to have alot of live plants around when the kids were little, but now I think they would leave them alone.

The wedding scenes in the movie are absolutely stunning. And I want to work in the flower shop or at least go visit.

The love story was sweet although there was very little interaction between the her and the love interest(s). It was actually more centered on the relationship between leading lady and grandmother and friend and how they can interfere at times.

This was a nice little movie to sit and watch while I crocheted. If you get the chance, go ahead and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was a cute movie, as well, but agree with you about the lack of interaction between Laurel, Evan, and Stephen.

    Great review! :)


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