
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Tea Time ~ 1/19/2023

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...


~I apologize for not having tea with you last week.  There just wasn't much to write about as it was mostly a week spent getting back into our routine.  I almost skipped this week also because I'm feeling kinda "blah" but what better why to get out of the gloomies than to think of good things :)

~I've been steadily receiving packages in the mail for the Friendship Swap I'm participating in.  It has been fun seeing what quilt block patterns and fabric choices my swap partners have chosen.  I've completed and mailed back 3 quilt blocks so far.  I look forward to receiving more squishy packages in the mail soon :)

~Saturday we celebrated Audrey Belle turning 1 Year Old!  Her birthday was actually December 23rd but with the holidays her Mommy and Daddy decided to wait until after the New Year to have her party.  It was nice having something to look forward to after the holidays.

~I've read two books so far this year already and am working on my third!  I set my Goodreads Challenge to 26 books for the year but "secretly" am hoping for more :)

~I had Monday off work for MLK Day.  I wanted to spend the whole day at home but ended up running around doing errands all day.  So, Wednesday I called off.  I got a lot done but felt guilty almost the whole time I was off!  Crazy, I know but I felt bad for taking a day off for no real reason.  Does anybody else ever feel like that?

~Back to feeling gloomy...  Is it the weather?  Is it the time of year?  I need something to look forward to this winter.  My birthday is in 2 months but that is too far away to really look forward to yet.  I need something sooner.  Any suggestions?

So, what's new with you?



  1. I dislike January so much because of the gloomy weather. I am thankful that we have not had many bad days this year. The sun is shining currently, but we are predicted to have thunderstorms and damaging winds later today. In January? May might bring a blizzard at this rate.

  2. I agree, January can be kind of a downer month, cold and gloomy sometimes. Happy Birthday to Audrey Belle from all of us and thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Audrey is super cute! And yes…it just feels so gloomy. Must just be a winter thing!

  4. I feel the same...I often feel like there is nothing to write about. Life can get very routine. I think this is a very "blah" time of year. Dreary weather and not much happening. Thanks for linking up and have a great week.

  5. I've got my cuppa and catching up on your post... sorry you're feeling down - I have been a bit, but not because of winter, but because the weather is so hot here... I have the opposite of winter blues... hope you get to feeling a bit better, maybe all those fun books you are reading will help! How lovely to celebrate Audrey Belle's first birthday - gorgeous photo! Hang in there, spring will be here before you know it! xx

  6. That was a neat idea to wait to celebrate Audrey's birthday til this month. I used to dread January as it seemed so bleak. But now I appreciate it for the rest period after the busyness of the holidays. We've had some outings and dr. visits, so it has not been quite as restful, but it has made the month go by faster. We do up Valentine's Day pretty big as a family, so I look forward to that. Other wise it's been nice to get some projects done (or at least make progress on them).

  7. Happy Birthday to your little one year old!
    It seems that this year the weather has been particularly grey. Whenever there is even a tiny bit of sun, I try to soak it up.
    Don't worry about days off--we need those Sabbaths.
    Have a good weekend.

  8. Happy belated birthday to the cute one year old! Christmas birthdays are always hard as they are all tangled up with holiday celebrations. Nice that she was celebrated in a special way. I always feel guilty for taking a personal day because I'm in home childcare it affects all my families. When I feel gloomy in winter I try to plan a coffee or activity out with some friends I know are uplifting and like to laugh.


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