
Friday, September 13, 2024

Journey Through the Bible Readathon 3.0 ~ October 2024

I recently discovered a wonderful youtuber, Katie at Paperbacks and Ponytails.  I was so excited when she announced "Journey Through the Bible Readathon 3.0" that will take place during the entire month of October 2024! 

Here's the super fun announcement:

I haven't participated in a readathon in YEARS but I just can't help myself from joining in this one :)  After all, it is a TREASURE HUNT with lots of different prompts!

I spent some time this afternoon, looking at the prompts and looking through my TBR books and here is what I came up with:

Where Are You Going?

Babylon = A book with flowers on the cover

I didn't have to look far on my Kindle to see a book with flowers and what makes it even better for the prompt is that the "Blooms" is in the title :)

What Are You Searching For?

Temple of Jerusalem = Book with a building on the cover

I've had this on my TBR list for a while and have been meaning to read it.  I love the structures that are on this cover.

Who Are You Going To Meet?

Tomb Raiders = Murder/Cozy Mystery

The only "Cozy Mystery" I had on my Kindle was "Apple Pile and Trouble" so no brainer there :)

Booby Traps

Spears = Blind Pick

I wasn't sure how to "Blind Pick" so I just closed my eyes and pointed to a book!  I've never done that before so it should be fun :)

How Do You Escape?

A Book = Ask A Friend to Pick Your Book

We're going to be doing a "Buddy Read" during the readathon and voting is open now.  You can check out the Community tab on Paperbacks and Ponytails.  I asked to make sure this would count as "a friend pick" and Katie said yes.  Right now, "Brave" by Mesu Andrews is winning.  If one of the other books on the poll end up coming out on top, I'll update the post.

So what do you think?  What do you think of my prompt choices and book choices?  Have I enticed you to join in?  Be sure to watch Katie's announcement video and I bet you'll be tempted!

Bookishly yours,


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