
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 8/12/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello and HAPPY Monday.  

I'm actually typing this post on Sunday evening when I have a bit of time to sit down and reflect on the week ahead.  Monday is actually going to be very busy even though I don't have to go to work.  I'll tell you a bit more about that later in the post.

Let's get on with today's Happy Homemaker :)

The weather outside is:

We finally got the much needed rain!  And we got a lot of it from good old Hurricane Debby.  Here in the mountains of Pennsylvania, we usually only get the rain and a bit of wind when hurricanes go up the east coast.  It absolutely poured and now the temperatures are much more comfortable.  It was actually a bit cool this morning when I left the house around 9am.

On today's to-do list: 

Monday's to-do are:

I'm off work Monday but like I mentioned above, I have lots to do.  

~We have a meeting at 9:30am to make sure everything is situated for Laken's enrollment in her college classes for the fall.  I think I mentioned before that she is doing what is called "Senior Challenge".  It basically means she'll be taking 2 high school classes and a few college classes in the mornings and then be able to leave school before lunchtime.  The college classes start on August 19th (next Monday!) so we have got to get this set up and find out exactly what she will need to complete her classes.

~Clean out my car
~Wash work clothes and hang up to dry

Happening this week:

This week I'm off Monday and  Friday and Sunday.  The rest of the days I work 7am-1pm.

Tuesday Laken has an appointment to get her Senior Pictures taken for the year book at 3:00pm.  Then Kaylee's work is having a Back-to-School Night that she invited us to come to.  It is 4pm-7pm and we get to take a tour of her work so I'm excited to see her office area.  Then at 6:30pm we have our Ladies' Class Meeting at Church.  So it will be a very busy day.

Wednesday is Kaylee and Shawn's 3rd Anniversary and Kona's (our chocolate lab) birthday :)

Thursday is pretty normal.

Friday (my day off) is once again filled to the brim.  Some items on the list are laundry, groceries, bills, bank and my usual daily to-dos.

Currently reading:

I didn't even touch "Living Slower" this week :(  I only have a few more chapters to go.  Hopefully I'll finish it soon.

Listening to:

Raise the battle cry and take back what the enemy stole!  Enjoy :)


I tied to watch the Steeler preseason football game on Friday evening but it was on Prime.  We have Prime but the game was blacked out.  Apparently we live too close :(  argghh!  They lost anyway so I guess I didn't miss much...

Instead of the game, we watched a movie on Freevee about a wedding photographer at a family owned venue who falls in love with the movie-star best man/brother of the couple getting married.  I forget the name of it but it was really good.

I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on why/how women are returning to wearing dresses/skirts.  One YouTuber (from Heavenly Minded Home) challenged her subscribers to wear a dress/skirt for 7 days in a row to really give it a try.  I've decided to take her up on it and this is my fourth day of wearing a dress except for while I'm at work. I even ordered a few new dresses because my wardrobe will be very limited if I continue to wear only dresses/skirts.

In the Kitchen:

I didn't make the Butterscotch Zucchini Bread this week but I did bake!  I made what I'd like to call "Cinnamon Roll Apple Cobbler" and it was so easy and VERY delicious.

You basically take cut up Cinnamon rolls, apple pie filling, brown sugar and cinnamon and mix it all together and bake it.  If you'd like a more formal recipe go check out this ONE at Olives & Thyme.

In the Craft Basket:

I've been working on the Japanese Fields blocks a bit each evening (well most evenings) but I'm just not sure what to do about the edges of the blocks.  The bottom block is with the Ivory outer round and the top block is with a single crochet of the Hot Rose.  Should I do a round of the Hot Rose on all the block and then join with either the Hot Rose or the Ivory?  Should I just keep it with the Ivory and then join with the Hot Rose?  Should I keep the last round Ivory and then join with Ivory?  I just can't decide!  I think I'll continue to work on just the main block for now and then decide later.  Please give me your opinion!

Picture from the Camera

You've got to give "Cinnamon Roll Apple Cobbler" a try!  The best was just out of the oven but it was also delicious the next morning for breakfast.  I put it the microwave for 20-30 seconds and it was warm and gooey and almost as good as fresh from the oven :)

Prayer Request

My brother, Danny, is having surgery Monday morning to remove his gallbladder. He is almost 48 year old (his birthday is Saturday) and he's never had surgery of any kind before. Not even a broken bone. Please keep him and his doctors in your prayers that all goes well. Also, please pray for my Mom as she's very nervous about her "Baby Boy" having surgery.

Bible Verse

"Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, "Let the children come to me.  Don't stop them!  For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children."  Luke 18:16 NLT

Have a great week!



  1. We started watching one of the pre-season games but we've watched far less than normal. We do have fantasy football coming up so I know we'll be seeing PLENTY of football!

  2. Sending positive healing vibes for your brother. I hated wearing dresses last few decades but I bought 2 summer ones last year for a trip and I LOVED them... they fit well, feel soooo comfy and do not wrinkle. I ordered a 3rd one (with longer sleeves) for work. I like easy recipes like this one. Have a great week

  3. Lifting your bro up in prayer!
    I have made that apple dish's scrumptious!!
    i love summer's one thing I miss about summer teaching wardrobe...i just wear the dresses to church now :)

  4. Will keep you all in our prayers, brother, mom, and doctors and you as a family.
    That cinnamon apple treat does look outstanding.
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 323. See you again next week at #324


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