
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hello ~ 7/2/2024


It has been a rough couple of weeks and I haven't felt much like posting, but I'm still here and kicking :)  I had to really stop and think what day of the week it was today!  I'm only a day late for Hello Monday so I thought I'd jump on here and join in.

First, I guess I want to mention that I'm switching jobs.  I've decided that going from being a SAHM to working full-time just wasn't working for me.  I needed something part time and more flexible, so I'm taking a leap and trying something completely different for me.  My orientation is Friday at my new job so I'd appreciate all the prayers and well wishes you'd like to give me!

In other news...I've been working on getting our Family Room organized and have come to the realization that the bins and totes that are sitting in the corner of the room and along the wall aren't going anywhere.  We've decided to make the rather large, messy Family Room a bit smaller by building a partition wall to create a VERY large walk-in closet for storage.

We're really hoping this will make things easier to organize and more aesthetically pleasing.  So we're going to be rearranging lots of furniture, etc., in the next week or two.  I really should take some before and after pictures of our progress.

Summer is in full swing.  I hope everyone fared well here in the heatwave that was in the USA.  Thankfully the temperatures have gone down a bit or we're just getting used to the heat.  Unfortunately, the air conditioner we had in our bedroom has given up the ghost.  It was rather old so we weren't totally surprised.  We have another one ordered but it won't arrive until July 11th or 12th.  We're making due with fans until then.  I'm sure we'll be perfectly fine.

Tonight is the hubby's last night of work for the week.  Wall building starts tomorrow.

I'll leave you for today with this song that has resonated with both the hubby and myself lately.  Enjoy :)

Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week ahead :)


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