
Sunday, February 11, 2024

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 2/12/2024

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

I'm writing this post on Sunday evening, as I usually do.  If you are reading this on Monday, I'm at WORK!  The day has finally arrived and I'm nervous AND excited!

My new boss, Karen, called me on Friday to let me know what my Monday will look like.  I have orientation all morning starting at 8am.  At noon, Karen and Debbie (my supervisor) will meet me outside the auditorium and take me to lunch.  I thought this a super nice gesture!  The afternoon will be spent getting all my computer access, etc. situated.  Karen also mentioned a training on infectious disease that I will be taking, so my first day or two will be spent getting all that completed so that I can dive into my regular work duties.

I'm not sure what my blogging schedule is going to look like as my routines change.  I hope to still post on Sunday/Monday and at least my Tea Time post.  I'm not sure what day I'll be posting Tea Time.  I'll have to see how my week goes.  Wish me luck!

Let's get on with the post ;)

The weather outside is:

I don't know why the site that I usually get my forecast from is still showing the 7 day forecast from Friday on.  Oh well, you can see that Friday and Saturday were absolutely beautiful days.  Friday we had sunshine and I think we ended up with a high of 63F.  That is crazy for my area in the middle of February!  Monday night we are looking at weather that is a bit more seasonal although they are currently backing off on the amount of snow they think we'll get.  Personally, I'm fine with not getting ANY more snow this winter.  I don't mind the cold, but I hate driving in nasty weather.

On today's to-do list: 

~My main to-do today is waking up to my alarm and getting out the door on time.  I'm seriously worried that I'm going to sleep through my alarm on my first day at my new job.  That is IF I can even sleep!

Happening this week:

~Thankfully, this week is fairly quiet.  I do have Ladies Bible Study and Potluck on Tuesday evening.  It is always the second Tuesday of the month.

~We don't really have plans for Valentine's Day.  I haven't even gotten the hubby a card or gift yet!  Hopefully I'll get a chance to before Wednesday.

~I've been busy prepping for my vendor show in March.  I hope to continue to craft a bit each evening but I'll write more about that in the crafting prompt.

Currently reading:

I haven't made any progress on "Small Town Shepherd" by Nala Henkel Aislinn.  I've created a daily schedule that does include reading time before bed, but I don't know.  Again, I'll have to see how the day/week goes.


Farmer Wants a Wife

Hallmark - Jane Austen inspired movies

Super Bowl

Youtube videos from a few favorites

On the menu today:

Chili and Corn Bread

In the Craft Basket:

I needed something different to work on, so I took some of my miscellaneous granny squares and made some tote bags.  I also found a free pattern on for a Sunburst Granny Square Tote.  Laken picked out a skein of yarn for me to create it with.  The yarn was in my stash and is Red Heart Super Saver Stripes in "Flamenco".  I have the center of the sunbursts made and started working on the border round in "Aran".  I actually got a picture of my progress but it is very dark.  I hope you don't mind the poor lighting!

Picture from the Camera

Don't mind my papers in the foreground!  I need to do some filing...

Bible Verse

"The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my savior, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold."  Psalm 18:2

Have a great week!



  1. Loved this post and MUCH LUCK on your first week of work! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    THANK YOU!! i received the adorable tea cosy and gift card yesterday in the mail. I'm heading to the library this morning and plan on popping in to starbucks to get my self a coffee compliements of you!! thanks again!!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful first week of work and get to enjoy a relaxing holiday weekend!

  3. Hi Colletta. I used to read your blog all the time a few years ago, but somehow lost track of you, so I am glad that I found you again with the help of Faith over at Gold in the Clouds. I love these Happy Homemaker Monday posts. I should do one sometime. I hope your new job goes well. See you again soon!


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