
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Tea Time ~ 1/31/2024

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...


~My sister-in-law Kelly's surgery Tuesday morning went "perfectly" according to the surgeon!  She was truly in the loving hands of the Almighty and I fully believe the surgeon was used by Him.  So many people were praying!  Kelly was sincerely afraid that she wouldn't make it through the surgery and now she is sitting, walking, talking and doing wonderfully!  We are most definitely saying prayers of thanks :)

~I signed up for a vendor/craft show that will be taking place March 16th.  I have roughly 10 days until I start my new job so I'm using my time to market prep!  This will be my first ever market/show and I'm excited!  I've been busy crocheting octos, sea turtles, leggy frogs, hair scrunchies, bunnies and still have more items that I want to work up.  I also have cup cozies, baby blankets, shawls, dish cloths and scrubbies made that I will be adding to my table.  If you can think of anything else I should make, please let me know in the comments :)

~Can you believe today is the last day of January 2024?  I can truthfully say that I'm up-to-date with my Bible-in-a-year plan.  There have been days that I've had to play catch-up but nothing too crazy.  I don't want to get behind too far and then have a hard time catching up.  I'm reading in Exodus (the 10 Plagues), Matthew (Mount of Transfiguration) and Psalms (at chapter 27).  I've never read a plan that is some Old Testament, some New Testament and Psalms/Proverbs each day but I thought I'd give it a try for something different.  So far, so good!  I'm really enjoying my reading time :)

~Laken, my baby, turns 17-years-old on Friday.  She's my little groundhog baby!  She either wants Olive Garden or Texas Roadhouse for her birthday dinner.  Then on Saturday, the 3rd, we are planning on taking her and Nate snowboarding!  They have been wanting to go so badly so we agreed to take them for Laken's birthday present.  I just pray nobody gets hurt!  That is my biggest fear with snowboarding!  Laken has never been snowboarding but Nate has been.  Hopefully he can give her some pointers.  :)

~I need to start adding more pictures to my blog.  I used to take so many pictures to share but not so much anymore.  I really need to get a new camera as my old one bit the dust.  My phone camera stinks (as Laken likes to tell me).  If you have any recommendations for a good but inexpensive camera, please let me know in the comments :)

So, what is new with you???



  1. I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well, that's alway a wonderful thing. Good luck with the craft show, sounds like you'll be good and ready...go gettem! Happy Birthday Laken, we hope your special day is super special. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. I like the Bible thru the year readings when it includes Old, New and Psalms. Keep it up.
    The Iphones take really great photos .
    Happy birthday to your baby!
    Here from Thankful Thursday

  3. OOH...I did that kind of Bible plan once and enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoyed reading the Bible chronologically one year when my youngest was 12. We had such fun with that!

    Glad your SiL got through her surgery ok. God is good.
    Hope your daughter has an extra special birthday!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  4. I enjoyed reading the Bible in the Chronologically order. Now I go into a deeper study to prepare for my Bible journaling group. I hope everyone stays safe while snowboarding. I hope we get up to the snow this winter. Have a nice weekend!

  5. Glad your SIL came through her surgery ok. Must be a relief. Happy birthday to your daughter. I hope they enjoy the snowboarding and stay safe! Enjoy the weekend.

  6. I remember doing the OT, NT and Psalms daily readings a couple of years. For the past few years, I have been reading the chronological Bible. I'm glad you are keeping up. 1/12 done!
    Thankful with you that your sil did well in the surgery.
    Happy Birthday to Laken! I hope she and Luke enjoy the snowboarding.

  7. Praise God for His grace with your SIL's surgery. May she have a speedy recovery. Happy birthday to your daughter. What a fun gift a day of snowboarding will be. My daughter has snowboarded before and really enjoyed it. No injuries. :) May you have a successful craft market.

  8. Happy Birthday to your baby. Time goes by so fast. Glad to hear the surgery went well. That is always stressful, I think. Thank you for linking up and have a great week.


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