
Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tea Time ~ 12/15/2022 (Long Time No Tea!)

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...


~It has been six months since I've written a "Tea Time" post! June 2, 2022 was the last time I chatted and caught up.  I have written a "Homemaker Monday" post here and there but I just really wanted to tell you about all the things going on lately.  

~The reason I haven't been blogging lately is due to the fact that I was job hunting, then working, then job hunting again and now working!  I started a job on August 8th that I quickly knew wasn't for me.  I tried to stick it out to see if it would get better but after 3 months, I called it quits (quite literally!)  I had already started applying for other jobs and knew I just couldn't job hunt and work a full-time job at the same time.  Thankfully, the first job I interviewed for called me and offered me the job!  I'm now the Administrative Assistant in Human Resources of my County and am LOVING it!  I've been there for a little over a month and it is going really well :)

~The Family is doing well.  We've had our share of bouts of the sicknesses going around but right now (knock on wood) we're all fairly healthy.  The hubby has 6 more days of work this year.  Laken has 5 more days of school this year.

~We're supposed to get "Snow Event" tonight (Wednesday) into tomorrow (Thursday).  It is supposed to start as ice and then turn to snow with an estimated accumulation of 3-5 inches.  I already got the call that Laken's school is closed tomorrow.  My boss told me not to take any risks trying to come in to work if the roads aren't fit to drive on.  I'll wait and see what things are like in the morning before making any decisions.  I am worried about the hubby driving home from night shift in the morning, though.  Kaylee is also supposed to work Thursday so I'm now sure what she'll do if the roads are icy :(

~Instead of Christmas caroling like our Church usually does in December we decided to enter a float in our town's Christmas parade and carol from the decorated wagon!  We go together early this past Saturday afternoon for pizza and to decorate the hay wagon.  It was cold but we bundled up and had a ball!  We had some of the carolers walking along the wagon to hand out candy bars.  Three of the candy bars had "Golden Tickets" inside the wrapper and were worth $25 gift cards.  It was so much fun!  I'm pretty sure we'll do it again next Christmas season.

~Speaking of Christmas, it is just around the corner and I'm no where near ready in the gift department!  I ordered lots of presents this year and am now (im)patiently awaiting their arrival.  As soon as they come I'll have lots of wrapping to do :)

It was wonderful catching up with you!  So, how was your week, month, 6 months?  What's new with you?



  1. Caroling in the parade - from the wagon - sounds like so much fun! What a great idea. Hope all went well this morning with the commute!

  2. It is good to see a post from you! Glad you have a job that you are enjoying! Have a great Christmas!


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