
Friday, June 3, 2022

Sewing Saturday ~ Advice Needed!!! ~ 6/4/2022

I'm going to be featuring my sewing, crocheting and crafting projects on Saturdays.  Some weeks this will include a finished project, a FNSI or FNWF or just a WIP.


I've been working on "Sunny Blue Hawaii 2" (SBH2) lately.

To see my first post about this afghan CLICK HERE!

Before I go any farther with sewing squares together, I need to decide whether to make the final afghan 6 squares X 8 squares  (6X8) or 7 squares X 9 squares (7X9) or even 7 squares by 10 squares (7X10).

The length isn't as important right now as the width is.

Above is what the main body would look like with 6 squares.  It just doesn't look quite right to me.  It doesn't seem wide enough even though I know I'll be adding borders.

Here you can see what it would look like with 7 squares across.  (Sorry it is tilted so far but that is the only way I could get the whole width in the picture.)

So what do you think?

6 OR 7 squares across????

Your opinion means a great deal to me and I would love your advice :)



  1. 7 is more balanced - but I think it depends on what you are wanting it to be - is it to wrap around you or somebody? is it for a table? is it a throw to decorate your lounge?
    But generally I'd go 7 (or another odd number) as you start with a blue outside & finish with a blue outside

  2. I like 7... looks "even" and colour ends are the same...
    Good luck with your project...xox

  3. I agree that having the same colour at the start and end of the row looks better.

  4. Are you asking about where the colors end up or the basic size of the afghan? If you like symmetry go for 7 across so that the start and finish of the row is the same. If a larger afghan doesn’t make it for you go for the smaller size. Anyway you do it is going to look great. I adore those colors together.

  5. I like 7! The colors are wonderful, and I love the squares. It's going to be gorgeous!
    Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  6. Seven it is! Love the colors!

  7. I'm going to toss my "7" into the ring as well. Love it!

  8. I would vote for 7 as it does look "balanced". It depends on the amount of yarn you have and how big you want it. Either way, I love the colours!

  9. Hi,
    I like your blue and pretty. I personally would go for 7 or 8. It really depends on how wide or long you want it. Have a great day

  10. I like the 7 across, the odd number means the rows end with the same color arrangement in the square.

  11. Love your colors, so pretty! I think 7 is the consensus! Thanks so much for joining in on Monday This and That! Hope you've had a good week xx

  12. I like it bigger, as I like to curl up on the couch with an afghan, and I'm pretty tall. But that's just me. Make it the size you would like for it's use when it is finished. It sure is pretty. Thanks for participating in Design Wall Mondays - I am glad you participated. Quilting, knitting, crocheting, it is all welcome. Hugs, Judy

  13. I like 7 - it makes the color balance more even ;-)


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