
Friday, June 10, 2022

10 on the 10th ~ June 2022


1.  Are you planning to take a vacation anytime soon?  Please share!

The hubby has the week of July 4th off of work.  We'll be staying close to home with a few day trips and camping for a few nights.

2.  Have you recently gone on vacation?  Tell us all about it!

No.  No vacations here :(

3.  What is your favorite way to travel?

I absolutely LOVE road trips.  Give me a car (or van) and a map (or GPS) and I'm good to go :)  I love that I can stop anytime, anywhere I want and see the sites!

4.  If money were no object, where would you go and why?

I've always wanted to see Ireland, Scotland and England.

5.  Who would be your favorite person (living or dead) to take on vacation?

The hubby, hands down!

6.  What do you absolutely have to pack when you go on vacation?

My meds!

7.  What are your memories of your all time favorite vacation?

For our 10th Anniversary, we took a road trip to Niagara Falls, NY.  We stopped and stayed the night in Erie then drove up the coast of Lake Erie and then Lake Ontario.  We rented a bungalow right on Lake Ontario.  I was a great trip :)

8.  Where would you never ever go on vacation and why?

South America.  It is scary!

9.  What is the worst thing you ever experienced on vacation?

I can't really think of a "worst" thing.  Maybe the downpours while we were at Disney World.

10.  What is the best thing that ever happened to you on vacation?

Watching my girls get to enjoy themselves :)



  1. Ireland, Scotland and England??! Oh and me both!!

  2. We just went to Niagara Falls a few years ago and had a wonderful time. It was such a neat area to explore.

  3. Enjoyed your answers. Your answer to #4 is perfect. That would be a grat trip. I agree with driving.


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