
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Tea Time ~ 5/12/2022

Grab a cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate or your favorite drink
while I share a few things about my life lately...

~The kittens, Flynn and Clover, had their final booster shot at the vet.  They have come so far since their first appointment!  They were only 4.5 weeks old the first time we took them for their check-up and sat so scared on the exam table.  This time they were exploring the whole room!  They are very mischievous and can be quite wild at times.  Then sometimes they are very sweet and loving.  Such characters!

Clover as a baby.

~I had a wonderful Mother's Day!  Actually, the whole weekend was great :)  Saturday we went to the Barnes & Noble because Laken said she would buy me a book with her own money!  This was major!  But, I just couldn't see spending $16.99 of her limited money on a paperback book.  I told I'd take a rain check :)  Kaylee came over and brought my Mother's Day gifts from both the girls.  I love my new cup and the flowers are so pretty and holding up rather well.

~I gave the hubby a haircut!  This in and of itself isn't major but wait until you see the before, during and after pictures!  Such a difference.  And great for the nice weather we're starting to get.  For the record, he was NOT fond of me posting these pictures but he's a good sport and let me anyway :)




~Speaking of the weather, it has been a gorgeous couple of days.  I enjoyed sitting outside on the deck as much as possible and hanging clothes on the clothesline.  It is supposed to be warm this weekend but rain so I'm enjoying it while I can.

~We have a nosy chicken!  No matter where we go, she'll be there, sticking her nose into whatever is going on.  The hubby was taking pictures and she was fascinated.  I love this picture he got.  It cracks me up :)

~I wrote a separate post about the Summer Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study but I'm going to post about it here as well.  The study starts May 31st and is "Fighting Words" by Ellie Holcomb.  I hope you'll be able to join in!  Isn't the book beautiful???

How was your week?  What's new with you?



  1. HOLY COW - he looks so different - LOL!
    I mean - how special is it she offered to buy you a book - that is precious!!!

  2. Those kittens are so cute! That's some haircut, bet it feels better for summer, our Dad always has his hair cut super short. Glad you had a fun Mother's Day. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Aw on the kitties. So adorable. They do grow up so fast.

    I'm happy you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I wouldn't have bought the book either. It's the way we roll.

    Great job on hubbies makeover.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. ♥

  4. Thanks for linking up with us for Thankful Thursday! Your husband looks like a different man! That's amazing. I love all the goodies you received for Mother's day- and how sweet of your daughter to take you shopping for a book! What a great week you've had.

  5. Cute kittens. Good job on the haircut. Hope you enjoy the Bible study

  6. Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect weekend. ♥


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