
Monday, May 23, 2022

Happy Homemaker Monday ~ 5/23/2022

Come join Diary of a SAHM for Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Hello, and Happy Monday!

The weather outside is:

It was gorgeously hot this weekend!  At the time I'm writing this 3pm-ish on Sunday, we're supposed to get a thunderstorm this evening.  After the thunderstorm, the temperatures are supposed to be more seasonably cool but not TOO cool.  Just right!

On today's to-do list: 

My regular list of dailies and cleaning.  I took last week off from exercise for no reason what-so-ever, so I want to work on getting back into that.

Happening this week:

This is Laken's last week of cyber school!  She has until Friday to finish everything for her classes but if things stay on track, she should be done Thursday.  Then we're going to PARTY!  This has been a rough year and I pray that things go smoothly this week!

The hubby is on first shift this week.  It should be his last week of first shift for the foreseeable future.  He's on vacation this Thursday, Friday and then is off Monday for the holiday.

I think this weekend we are going to go to the movies and possibly go to the amusement park, Delgrosso's.  My brother and sister-in-law got us all season passes for Christmas and this weekend is the opening weekend for the whole park.  And did I mention we're going to PARTY!  lol

I don't mention Kaylee very much because she's busy working and settling in to married life.  I talk to her just about every day.  She has been working on her flower garden in front of her house.  She has really gotten into flower gardening lately.  She still has a few shrubs to plant and I'll try to get a picture :)

Currently reading:

I am reading "Fourth and Long" by Liz Isaacson.  This is the third book in the Three Rivers Ranch Series.  I wish it were a real place that I could go and visit!

On the TV:

Not much this week but we are going to go see "Maverick" (Top Gun Sequel) this coming weekend.  I haven't been to the theater since before March 2020, so I'm looking forward to it :)

Listening to:

This week for "Songs on Sunday" I featured "I Believe It Now" by Sidewalk Prophets.  I hope you'll check it out :) 

On the menu today:

Chicken Bundles

In the Craft Basket:

I picked up yarn for a new project.  Teal, Yellow and White.  I'm calling it "Sunny Blue Hawaii 2 :)  Check out my Sewing Saturday post for more info!

Picture from the Camera

Sunny Blue Hawaii "1"

Memory Verse

"For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."

Galatians 5:13

Have a great Monday!



  1. Love the sunny blue Hawaii blanket. Kids are growing up... flower gardening! Have a great week

  2. Ooo, yes, Maverick. Enjoy. Gonna see it too ;-)

  3. We saw previews for Maverick when we saw Dr. Strange, it looks good. Hope you enjoy! And congrats to Laken on sticking with it and getting through this school year, she's not alone in having had a rough one. Hope you have a wonderful week!


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