
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Book Review ~ All Things by Kim Kirby


Title:   All Things (Finding God in Ordinary Life) by Kim Kirby
Pages:  232
Date Published: November 13, 2019 
Publisher:  21st Century Christian Inc.


Can we really live our whole lives for God? We know we bring God glory when we study our Bibles, sing in church, or serve others. But what about all of those in-between moments that make up the bulk of our lives? What about the moments when we're getting ready for the day, sitting in traffic, preparing meals, or even going on vacation? What about the ordinary moments of our lives? Can they, too, connect us to God and bring Him glory? 

"My days involved normal things, like going to grad school, doing laundry, helping my husband with his youth ministry work. I could see how the youth ministry fit into the picture of the Christian life, but what about reading the novels required for my graduate English class? What about mopping the floor of the parsonage in which we lived? What about paying bills and shopping for clothes? Did those mundane, unspiritual activities fit into my Christian life? Did God care about them at all?" 

The teaching of Scripture tells us that our whole lives are meant to be lived in God and for God. We are to love Him with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and we are to do all things to His glory. In this six-week study, Kim Kirby explores what a life lived fully for God looks like, even in the ordinary moments of our lives. In studying the Scriptures and imagining how they might apply to the most mundane moments of our lives, we will begin to unlock the exciting truth that every moment can indeed bring us closer to God. 

My Thoughts:

This 6 week Bible Study was my daily devotional for a few weeks before "I'll Start Again Monday" took place and then I picked it back up to finish.

It posed a question the very first week:  "Can We Do All Things for God?"  Some of the "All Things" verses were Psalm 119:91, John 1:3, Romans 8:28, Romans 11:33-36.

Throughout the study we learned how we can do "All Things" for God in work, body, relationships, spare moments and leisure.

I learned so much about how I can incorporate God into EVERYTHING that I do.

I enjoyed every topic but I especially learned so much about relationships and how we are to encourage one another and build one another up.  This is an area that I need to work on, especially with those closest to me.  I tend to take out my frustrations on them instead of having an encouraging attitude.  I also am looking at strangers in a whole new light!

This Bible Study was very enlightening, encouraging and informative.  I enjoyed Kim Kirby's writing style.  This was the first study I've done by Kim Kirby but I would definitely look for more :)

The next study I'll be doing is "Fighting Words" by Ellie Holcomb with Proverbs 31 Online Bible Study.  It starts My 31st so there is still time to sign up and get the book!

Onto the next book :)

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