
Monday, April 25, 2022

Weekly Weigh In ~ 4/26/2022

Once again (for the bazillionth time), I'm starting on a weight loss journey.  

My first mini-goal is to get below 280 lbs.  I'm giving myself a deadline of June 3, 2022 as that is my next doctor's appointment.  Yikes!  No pressure!

I'll be weighing in on Mondays and posting my results on Wednesday.  If you'd like to join in on the journey, I'd love to have some weight loss friends and support!

Feel free to use the "Weekly Weigh In" graphic and create your own post with as much (or as little) info as you are comfortable sharing and leave a link in the comments.  Or you can just report your results in the comments.


I'm almost finished reading "I'll Start Again Monday" by Lysa Terkeurst.  I took part in a month-long Study of this book and it ends Wednesday.  I'm swapping my Book Review day for my weigh in day so that I can finish writing Part 2 of the review of the book.

I highly recommend reading this book if you are embarking on a weight loss journey and looking to change your perspective on "dieting".

I'm really excited about my weigh in today!  I worked really hard on getting movement in, staying under 1500 calories a day and only eating between 12pm and 8pm.  (My main three components.)  I weighed in Monday morning at 287.0 lbs for a loss of 2lbs this week!  So exciting!

I have a little over 5 weeks until my next dr's check-up and I'd really like to be at or below 280.0lbs.  I'm trying not to stress because that does nothing to help move things along.  Instead, I'm focusing each day on my three key components and the results will be what they will be.

As it is, I'm so excited to have lost 13lbs so far and I'm feeling so much better already.  Progress...not perfection!

Weigh in #5:

Highest Weight ~ 300.0 lbs

Last Week's Weight ~ 4/18/2022 ~ 289.0 lbs.

This Week's Weight ~ 4/25/2022 ~ 287.0 lbs.

This Week's Total:   -2.0 lbs.

Grand Total: -13.0 lbs

Please let me know in the comments if you are on your own weight loss journey!  I'd love to follow along :)

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