
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Sewing Saturday ~ No Sew Bandana ~ 4/23/2022

I'm going to be featuring my sewing, crocheting and crafting projects on Saturdays.  Some weeks this will include a finished project, a FNSI or FNWF or just a WIP.


Today, I'm sharing a SUPER simple, no-sew bandana for 2 that Laken and I like to do for our dogs!

We started with this flowered fat-quarter which Laken and I decided was perfect for Spring!  We do a new bandana about once a month and like to have themes :)

Next, I cut from corner to corner.  VERY easy!  We could hem the edges, but as I said it is only on for about a month and holds up well enough without sewing.  

Next, we tied one half of the fabric loosely on Kona and the other half on Lilah.  Honestly, the hardest part of this project is getting a good picture of the model.  I didn't even try to get one of Lilah as she doesn't cooperate well for pictures :)

I also wanted to give an update on Adalynn's Baby Blanket.  I worked on it off and on all week with the most time being spent on it Friday evening while watching the movie Redeeming Love.

I got almost two rounds done!  As the Blanket gets bigger it takes longer to go around and I kept getting distracted by the movie.

BTW, have you seen Redeeming Love?  If so, what did you think?



  1. Lovely bandana, and the model is very cute!
    Thank you for sharing, and linking up ;)

  2. Pretty baby blanket and love the kerchief and the model!

  3. I have read the book, but haven't seen the movie!
    ENjoy your stitching!

  4. Kona is adorable! Thanks for sharing your tutorial. I haven't seen Redeeming Love but it looks like a great movie. We probably won't see it until/if it becomes available for free. ;)
    Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!


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